Chapter 18

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It's been a week since the encounter with my bitch of a mother. James has been helping me sort things out in Jacks house, its weird him not being around but I suppose its something that I will have to get used to.

"Ally may I ask, what the fuck is this?" James asked while showing me a tattered bear that my sister gave me

"That was a bear my younger sister gave me while I was in hospital for the first time. It was the only thing she ever gave me" I said while packing a box full of clothes

"I'm sorry for asking" James sighed

"Its fine, shame really that I haven't been able to see her growing up. She starts high school next month but I fucked my life up and I will never be able to see her grow" I said while throwing various things into a box

"No you haven't fucked your life up, anyway that's in the past now. You can't change what happened,  as much as you would like to change what did happen you can't. I know it's harsh but thats life. You have us now, I know I have no right to say this but I don't want you talking to your mum. Yeah she's your mum but after what she said? I wouldn't give my mum the time of day if she said that to me" There is the protective side of James I have been seeing a lot recently. Don't get me wrong I love the feeling of being protected but I'm almost 19 for gods sake, I can look after myself. I think.

Also that reminds me, my birthday is in three weeks. But I don't actually plan on telling the boys.

"I don't plan on having her back in my life any time soon. But I suppose your right, the past is the past. Nothing can change that as much as I would like it to. I'm just going to have to move on with my life, try to forget the majority of my past and just try and live a normal life now. Thank you for everything James" I said while walking over to his tall frame and wrapping my arms round his waist. He hugged back and kissed the top of my head.

Ever since I've started to accept the fact that I'm starting to like James, I get butterflies whenever we touch, even if its just a quick hand brush walking past each other in the house or weather its a hug, he never fails to make me happy.

"Ally you know its not a problem" heard that somewhere before "You're no bother to any of us. If anything you have bought us boys closer together because we have realised what it's like for our fans. It gives us an insight of what some of our fans go through daily" we pulled away and smiled at each other before starting to clear up the rest of the things in Jacks house.

After nearly four more hours of cleaning and the odd chat in between, we had finished. The whole house was empty near enough. Apart from the big furniture that was scattered round the house. I looked round the house and remembered some of the memories created in this little apartment.


"I know this place is small Ally but it will do for the both of us" Jack said

"I literally cannot thank you enough for letting me live with you Jack" I said. I had just gotten out of hospital after being there for two weeks and my parents had left me so my childhood best friend had offered to take me in

"its no problem Ally honestly" he said while taking me to my room

*end of flashback*

We packed the back of Jacobs car with various sized boxes with different things in each box. I went back to the house to check everything over once more before locking it for the last time.

I turned the key and sighed thinking to myself this is a fresh start now Ally.

We got back to the house and emptied my belongings out of the car, which were then scattered around the hallway getting in people's way.

"James I need to move these before someone really hurts themselves because my stuff is in the way" I said

"We will just move it to my room, but I have to go film a new video. So I will see you later" he said while walking past me and through the door.

James' POV

I'm starting to get the feeling Ally is feeling a little down after her encounter with her mum. Deep down I think she wants her back in her life but then again she doesn't. If that makes sense. We were about to start filming a new video but I just couldn't think straight

"James, are you okay?" Daniel asked

"Yeah I'm fine, just struggling to think straight is all"

"You just seem a bit out of it thats all, and we are all abit worried about you" he said while sitting next to me

"Honestly I'm fine"

"But James ever since Ally has been living with us and what not you constantly seem down and really occupied with other things. You haven't paid much attention to tour plans or anything"

"So what your trying to say is that Ally is just being a pain? I can't actually believe you Daniel"

"No I'm not saying that, but you seriously need to start taking more time for our upcoming world tour other than Ally. I understand she needs someone but bloody hell I think you need a bit of time to yourself" he said before walking away.

Maybe he was right? Have I been concentrating to much on someone else's happiness rather than my own? Or am I just over thinking it.


I am so sorry for not posting in ages and this isn't my best chapter, I know. I'm sorry, I will work on a better one.

Also if someone would do me a massive favour of maybe creating a new cover for this book it would be much appreciated. If you want to then just private message me on here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance♥


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