Chapter 19

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This tour is all I've been working on over the past few weeks and I've had no time with Ally and I'm a bit worried about her. She seems quite and unhappy but she always says she's fine but I can tell she's not.

"Ally, are you okay? You keep saying you are but I can tell your not. Please tell me if there is something wrong, I might be able to help you" I said to her while she was sat in our kitchen. She was in sweats and a jumper with light make up and her hair was in delicate waves. She still looked beautiful even in sweats but I still don't have the balls to tell her.

"Yeah I'm fine, but I've got a bad feeling about something I just can't put my finger on what it is" she said while looking around.

"Are you still happy with living here? You don't seem to be doing much with Eleanor or Emily anymore" I said while walking over to her and lifting her chin up with my finger

She looked into my eyes, then flickered her eyes from my lips to back to my eyes within a few seconds. Ally wrapped her arms round my neck and connected our lips together. Our lips moved in sync with one another, Ally started playing with the hairs at the nape of my neck making me shiver at her touch.. after what felt like an eternity we finally pulled apart. Foreheads pressed lightly together.

"I like you Ally" I mustered out.

Allys POV

That kiss was all I needed to finally except the fact that I have fallen for James and there was nobody to tell me that I can't or someone to take him away from me.

"I like you Ally" James whispered.

"I like you to James" I finally said after a few seconds of processing what he said. I could see a glimpse of light flare up in James' eyes.

"You have no idea, how long I've been waiting for those words to fall from your mouth Ally, I was starting to worry that you liked one of the other boys instead" James said with a sigh of relief, pulling away and standing next to me.

"Why would you think that? You've been here since the word go. Literally, you were the first out of the boys to start talking to me in the hospital all that time ago. The one that invited me to Lukes 'welcome home' style party. Everything that has been done in my life for the past few months is all thanks to you" I said while standing in front if him and taking his large hands in my petite ones.

James just smiled at my gesture, I started tracing shapes on the back of his hands.

"How would you like to go out for dinner tonight? Just us two?" He asked

"I would love to James, thank you" I smiled

After our little moment together in the kitchen, I felt extremely happy knowing that James felt the same as I did. He had gone out to do more tour rehearsal with the boys, so that gave me time to start getting ready. It might have been a bit of a wait but I had no idea what I was doing with myself, so I need the extra time because I had nobody to help me either...

After what felt like hours of trying to find something to wear, I had found the perfect outfit. I had tried to hide all my scars and cuts but after trying and trying I thought 'no Ally these scars are here to embrace. They are part of your body that you can't hide forever. They show that you have won the battle, that some people may lose. So show them off. Doesn't matter what other people think, its your body. Nobody has the right to tell you what they think' . I had found something that I don't think I would have ever worn but tonight is a night where nobody else matters except for me and James. All the boys were back, James was downstairs ready and waiting for me. I walked down the stairs in a floral summer dress, black sandles and light make up (A/N picture on side). James turned round and stared at me, I started to panic a bit thinking hr didn't like it but when his mouth turned into a big grin, I sighed with relief knowing he liked it.

"You look amazing Ally" James said, with all the boys nodding.

"Thank you, I just put something on because I wasn't really sure on what I was doing" I laughed a little.

"We better get going, don't want to lose our booking. See you all later boys" James shouted as we both walked out the house hand in hand.

James and I got the the little restaurant in L.A and waited for our table, which James had kindly booked.

"Table for 2" James said

"Name, please sir"


"Right this way sir, provided a table at the back for you both"

"Thank you" James said. We followed the waiter to the back of the restaurant, and to our table.

→→→→2 hours later←←←←

We has both finished our meals, both ordering pasta. Both of us were just talking about life, how much we both appreciate it. Through the whole conservation all I could think of was 'never take life for granted, never take time for granted either because you never know how much time you have left on this earth. Grim to think about but its true'

"Ally, h-how would you like to give us a go?" James asked while looking down and playing with his fingers?

Was this really happening? I've only known them what? 6 months and here I am being asked if I want to give a relationship a go with one of the most popular boys on YouTube.

"I would like that, James. A lot" I replied.

James took a deep breath and cracked his infectious toothy grin.


I am so sorry for not updating in SO SO long, I've had writers block and I've just started college.

Vote, comment.... etcc


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