Chapter 15

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Ally's POV

I woke up to the feeling of hot sun rays landing on my body. I looked round and noticed I wasn't in my room or Jacks for that matter, I looked to my side to see James. I watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath. My mind was a little foggy at first but then all of yesterday's happenings came rushing back. How Jack had left me, how I told James to leave so I could try and take my life but James bought me out of it all. Then we kissed. The kiss was full of passion and I felt right, everything felt right for once. All my worries were forgotten about. But Jack had left me, the one who I thought that would be here for the rest of my life but I guess not. I just need to focus on the people who are in my life now.

I felt the bed move a little and I looked down at James who was ever so slowly waking up

"Morning Ally" he said in his rough morning voice

"Hey James, not to sound rude or anything but why are we in the same bed?" I asked

"Well last night, you read something that I don't think you wanted to then you broke down. I comforted you, I asked Jai to come pick us up because I was frightened for you, then we kissed. Then Jai came for us, you fell asleep in the car back here. I carried you here, I was about to leave but you said 'stay with me?' so I did" he said

"I'm sorry, you didn't have to" I said

"No its fine, I tried to say that you would be fine but you started to cry again"

"Oh wow, now that is embarrassing. Sorry" I said as I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks

"Honestly Ally its fine" he said. I looked at James and those dark brown orbs stared back at me. I started leaning in for a kiss again. Next thing I knew, are lips were mashed together again. it might sound cliché but I felt butterflies whirling round the pit of my stomach.

"Come on guy- why the fuck am I the one who always walks in on you both?" Jai shouted, making James and I pull away.

"There is a thing called knocking Jai" I said while readjusting myself

"Erm well sorry but we have to finish the photoshoot today and we leave in 20 minutes" he shouted while walking back out the room, leaving me feeling a little flustered. I looked back at James who was fiddling with his fingers.

"I better get ready for this shoot, are you coming with us Ally?" he asked

"Depends if you want me there? Seen as nobody else does" I sighed

"Ally. What have I told you? Its THEIR fault for leaving you. Yes you messed up a little but fucking hell, family are supposed to stick with you not leave when you need them most" he said while taking a hold of my hands

"Yes I guess so, thank you James. You seriously don't understand what its like to finally have someone here for you" i said

"Yes Ally i kind of understand because i can see an improvement in you. The first time i met you, you were very quiet and I didn't know what the fuck to say to you just in case I hurt you in someway or another. But know i feel as if I have known you since forever as know I can just ask when you not right, i feel as if i can ask you more questions without worrying about saying the wrong thing. In a way, what happened with Luke might have been a blessing in disguise" he said while lifting my chin so that i was facing him

I was about to reply but Beau came bursting through the door

"Hurry the fuck up will you James? Oh hi Ally, didnt realise you were here..." Beau trailed off while scratching the nape of his neck

"Its fine, how did things go with your mum?" I asked while dropping my hands out of James' bigger ones

"Would i be able to tell you alone?" he asked while i just nodded. I could feel James tense up beside me before getting off the bed and leaving the room. I just sighed before Beau came and sat with me

"We have like 5 minutes so I can either make it quick or I tell you later, in full detail?" he questioned

"Later would be best then" I said

"Thank you Ally for pushing me to talk to her, and for listening to my problems"

"Beau its fine, now go get ready. This photoshoot wouldn't be the same without the famous Beau Brooks, now would it?" i laughed

"Guess not, are you coming with us?"

"Think so" I said while getting off the bed and heading for the door, before Beau came up behind me and started tickling me

"Beau get off, please" i giggled. "Beau please it hurts" i laughed. He finally stopped tickling me, he put me down and my top rode up a little exposing all the different variety of old cuts and scars. I heard him take in a shaky deep breath before I pulled my top back down and looked at him. Those piercing green eyes, that are usually filled with nothing but happiness but now filled with pure devastation.

Jai's POV

After walking in on Ally and James kissing I smiled at myself knowing that James was steps away from potentially asking her out. But I remember Beau talking to Jacob I believe about Ally, saying how great she is and how she made him talk to our mum about god knows what and how perfect she was but Beau knows how James feels towards Ally and it would crush me to see James upset about someone he cares about and that would only make James leave the best job in the world.

I smiled up at Emily who was stood by the kitchen island making somethinng for herself. He long hair cascaded down her shoulders, her face was just perfect even though it was early morning then her petite body standing perfectly while making whatever she was making. I walked over to her and snaked my arms round her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder as she let out a sigh.....

"Sorry to break your little love fest up but we must get out of that fucking door NOW" Ronnie shouted.

"See you later love" I said to Emily as I kissed her lips and strode off to grab my shoes. I walked out the house to see a rather pissed off James

"James you okay??"

"Yes I'm fine" he snapped before walking away. I looked at Ally who was walking out of the house with Beau trailing behind. She seemed happier than before but maybe thats just me seeing things? But if Beau has fucked this up for James then he will be the one who has to explain to all our fans why James has left and he can't make up some shit excuse for it either.





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