Chapter 31

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You know that feeling when you think life is going right for once? And then something happens and you crash back down to reality? Yeah thats me at the moment. My sister had just messaged me on Facebook, seeing as she hasn't got my mobile number, most likely deleted it, I'm guessing.

Hi Ally,

Long time no talk, but mum made me message you... all she wanted to say was, Granddad died yesterday, the funeral is in a weeks time, and mum would rather you didn't attend. Not my words, all her. Sorry.

I think it would have hurt less if I hadn't of been told, because that hurt like a kick to the head. Who the fuck does that? Not being able to attend your own granddads funeral? How would that make you feel? Well its tough shit for her, I need to know where that goddamn funeral is, I was never that close to my grandparents, but when one of them dies, then it hurts knowing you will never see them again, but all I wanted to do was apologise to him for being such a bad granddaughter to him. All I needed to do was find out where it was. Now that's going to be the tricky part to this.

I had spoken to James before I had this message and I was in a pretty happy mood, they had finished in the UK and were heading to Australia for a few days to do a few shows and to see their parents, and then flying back. So give or take, he should be home in a weeks time if not a little more.

"Hey Al, what you doing today? Emily and I are going shopping, would you like to come with us? We haven't seen you as much as we had hoped, but with us working and you being with various people, we haven't spent much time together since we had our girly night in a week ago, but even then you didn't stay with us" Eleanor said, I always had this small feeling inside me that she never really liked me for some reason? It was just a feeling she gave off, some sort of bitchy vibe. Maybe I'm just overthinking things here? Who knows, I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore after that message.

"I think, I'm going to stay here. I have some catching up to do with a few people. Thanks for the offer though" I said, she just gave me an unimpressed look and walked away. What the hell had I done to her? Once she had left, I went to my phone and clicked on the contacts. I was going to call my so called mother. I know I said I wanted nothing to do with her, but I just wanted to ask why I wasn't allowed to his funeral.

It rang four times before it actually answered, wow didn't think she would actually answer

"Hello?" she asked in a questioning tone, oh nice one. Even she deleted my number

"Mum?" I said "And before you hang up I just wanted to ask you something? You know, like a daughter should be able to her mother" I spat. Okay, maybe that was a little harsh, but I needed to get it through that thick head of hers that what she did was wrong.

"What Ally?" She sighed "I'm busy sorting things out"

"How come I'm not allowed to attend-"

"Because Allison, you weren't there when he needed us all most. You were off fucking about with those stupid boys, doing god knows what. I'm surprised they haven't left you yet. You know, your sweet loving boyfriend and his sick friends. I don't understand why they still want you, or are is this you trying to work yourself back into this family? Well misses, you shall never be worthy of being called a Birch anymore"

"Are you fucking serious here?" I laughed "Why the hell would I want to come back to you? You fucking left me in hospital, what type of mother does that? Oh yeah, you do! And how the hell can you blame me for not being there for granddad, when I never knew he was sick in the first place. I only called you because I wanted to know why I wasn't attending, and ask if I could know where it is because I wanted to apologise to him for being such a shit granddaughter to him and not living up to his expectations, like my sister is. But everyone is different and I'm sorry for being such a fucked up child to you mum, but life got hard for me and you know that. All the therapy I went through, all the doctors told me I needed support from people who loved and cared for me and you ALWAYS told them that would be you. And you know what, you let me down, big time. I don't even want you call you my mother any more, because if anyone is a let down to the Birch family, its you and dad. He took your side for everything,  after everything I told him, he went with everything you said" I took a deep breathe in and tried not to brake down on the phone with her " Why did you leave me mum?" I asked, by then I lost it and slid down the kitchen wall with the phone still connected to my ear. She took in a deep shaky breathe. Wait, was she crying?

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