Chapter 4

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Its been a week since I left hospital and I haven't felt this good in so long. Jack and I have been doing something new everyday to keep me occupied, ive had no cravings of wanting to cut which is definitely a good sign. Today I was off to the gym. You might be thinking why am I going to the gym after an eating disorder but I still want to keep fit. The gym was only a 10 minute walk so I got my trainers put them on then started walking to the gym. I decided to hide my arms and legs for a few weeks to let them all heal over. I walked into the centre, paid then walked up to the gym. Now I haven't been to the gym for about 3 years so it is definitely going to take some time to get used to everything again.

I went straight to the treadmill, did about 30 minutes of a light slow jog then a 15 minute run. I got off the treadmill and sat down to catch my breath.

"You know pushing yourself isn't going to help" I turned round to see James and I think Daniel behind me

"James? How come your here?" Really Ally, you asked him that when he's clearly here to work out.

"Come to look at flowers, why do you think I'm here?" he chuckled

"I know sorry, just still not really with it. Hows Luke?" I asked

"Luke is coming home today thankfully, Beau has gone to pick him up actually. He deteriorated a little after you left the hospital but hes getting better. How are you?"

"Yeah I'm okay, still a little out of it as you can tell but otherwise I'm fine" I said while drinking a little bit of water.

"Glad to hear it. Are you up to anything later?" James asked nervously

"Nope don't think so, most probably getting told to eat a shit load from Jack but other than that nope nothing. Why?" I asked

"Well, I'm having a little get together tonight starting at 7:30, nothing massive and I was wondering if you wanted to come? Get to know the boys a little better?"

"Who else is going?" I asked

"Well it will be, me, Luke, Daniel, Beau, Jai, Emily,Gina, Ronnie, Jacob and Mariam" he said

"Whos Gina? And Emily as in the one I met at the hospital last week?"

"Yes that Emily. Gina is Luke, Jai and Beau's mum. She flew over from Melbourne a few days ago to be at Lukes side" James explained while I just nodded

"Yeah sure I would love to come but where do you live?"

"Give me your phone and I will put my number in and I will get Jacob or Ronnie to pick you up if you text me your address later" I gave James my phone and he typed his number in before taking a ridiculous selfie and setting it as his picture.

"I will text you later and thank you for letting me come to your get together" I said while standing up

"No problem, see you later" I walked out the gym happier than usual.

All I needed now was permission from Jack. I got home and he wasn't in so I went to my room got some clothes then headed for the shower. I did my usual shower routine, got out and looked at myself in the mirror. My body was practically ruined from all this drama that's been going on in my life these past few months. I regret everything so much. I looked away from the mirror because I could feel myself tearing up.

Why was James being so nice to me? I'm a broken girl but he still wants to talk to me, all I thought was why? I haven't felt this loved in a long time, might sound stupid but I haven't had two people talk to me in such a long time, especially two boys anyway.

I got dressed and headed for the kitchen, I put all my washing in the washing basket and headed for the fridge. I opened it and gagged a little. Nope nothing in there I want, I looked around and saw some fruit, I took it out and sat at the table. Come on Ally you can do this, I picked up a strawberry and popped it in my mouth, I chewed it a little before actually starting to enjoy the taste, before I knew it I had eaten all the fruit in the little pot. I placed the pot in the bin before heading back to my room.

I walked to my wardrobe and opened it, I looked through my clothes and didn't realise I actually had all this stuff, because it was quite hot in L.A I decided on a dark blue summer dress that I could wear thin black tights with and a thin black cardigan because I definitely didn't want everyone to see my cuts and scars. I placed it all on the bed before hearing the front door slam shut.

"Ally you here?" shouted Jack

"Yeah in my room" I shouted back, I then heard foot steps coming up the wooden steps

"I'm off out tonight Ally so you have the house to yourself for a few hours, okay? Just don't go doing anything stupid" Jack said before seeing my clothes for tonight placed on the bed

"I'm actually off out tonight as well, I've been invited to James' house for a little get together for Luke"

"Luke as in the Luke from the hospital?"

"Yes that one, I said while sitting down on the bed

"Are you sure you want to go?"

"Yes Jack I do, now please leave I have one hour to get ready before they pick me up to take me back to their house" Jack got up and left

Well that was easier than I thought it would be,

I quickly texted James my address then started to get ready, I curled my hair ever so lightly, then ran my fingers through it to create little waves, then applied minimal make up, a thin layer of foundation, highlighter,bronzer a little bit of eyeliner then mascara. Then got dressed.

I was sitting in my living room when I heard a car beep outside the door, I quickly ran to the mirror and looked at myself, I actually looked okay for once in my life. I then proceeded to the front door. I locked the door then walked to the car, my tummy filled with butterflies and my hands started to shake. Maybe this wasn't the best of ideas I thought, but I still carried on until I came face to face with James again. A massive smile was plastered across my face.

Maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Just enjoy yourself Allison I thought.

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