Chapter 17

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Ally's POV

Why did I run? I should have just stayed and walked back into the studio but no, I got scared and ran. To where I had no fucking idea, I might have lived in L.A for around 5 years but with being in hospital for the majority of it, I still hardly know my way round. I found myself walking for ages, seeing different people. Happy families, friendship groups, elderly couples, everyone just seemed to be happy and here I was, walking away from someone who actually cares for me, who has helped me and practically taken me in seen as everyone left. I walked to the beach, the feeling of sand grains under my feet and the waves crashing on to the shore always seemed to calm me down. After what seemed like an eternity I found some rocks to sit on, I walked over and perched on them.

"Ally?" I turned round to be greeted by a woman

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I could see a wave of guilt wash over her face

"it's me, you mum" she said while walking over to me

"what do you want?" I spat

"You can't go talking to your mother that way"

"what? The mother who left me in hospital? The one who walked out of my life because I hadn't quit something that is seriously difficult to stop doing? I don't want you back in my life anymore" I shouted

"Don't say that Ally, come home with me? We can sort things out?"

"Ha yeah right, I'm not going anywhere with you" I said while standing up from the rocks

"don't walk away from me young lady. I am trying to sort things out with you here and all you do is run away. Is that why Jack left? Because he found out what you were really like? Found out your not worth it?" my eyes widened at her last comment

"that's it, I never ever want to see you ever again" I said while running off. I ignored her shouts after me, but they slowly dissapeared as I slowly kept running. After I stopped running, I figured I had no fucking idea where the hell I was at this point. I didn't want to call James or any of the boys for that matter just in case they all hated me for running off. I couldn't call Jack because he was god knows where, and I definitely wasn't calling any family members. Nice one Ally done it again, with not knowing what to do with yourself. So I decided to walk back to the beach and keep a clear distance from the rocks where my mother was. So I turned round and walked back.

I got back to the beach and thankfully it was pretty empty, so I sat on a sand bank over looking the beach, seeing teenage couples walking along the beach hand in hand, people walking their dogs, seeing the odd person running down the beach and it made me think about how much I fucked my life up. Maybe if I hadn't of concentrated more on school I wouldn't be in this mess but that is something that is in the past now I can't take back what I have done despite everything that has happened I still had a glint of hope in mind. Maybe if the boys still want to talk to you, maybe just maybe life will turn out how I wanted to. Being able to call someone mine, the feeling of being loved. I kinda liked the thought but it scared the shit out of me at the same time. I picked myself up from the bank and started walking down the beach....

I looked up from my feet to see 2 familiar boys looking frantically around the beach as I edged closer and closer I realised it was Jai and James. I heard the words 'she's gone' come from James' mouth and I instantly felt guilty for running off, then Jai piped in saying I had a lot to think about which was true. I walked closer to them and I was now stood directly behind them

"James?" both Jai and James turned round. James broke out into massive grin and pulled me in for a bone crushing hug. He kept mumbling apologies and other things but I just wanted to go home.

"can we just go back to yours?"

"yes, you need rest" he said

"it's like three in the afternoon"

"yeah but god knows what you've been doing over the past few hours"

"not a whole lot" I lied

We both made our way back to Jai who was kicking about the sand on the pavement. He looked up and we started walking back to the boys house. So they weren't mad at me? We arrived at boys house within ten minutes. They opened the gate and we walked down the driveway and into the house

"Ally. Oh my god we were so worried. Are you okay?" Eleanor asked while she jumped off Daniels lap and hitting across the face in the process

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired and overwhelmed if I'm honest" I said being honest, I wasn't planning on telling anyone except James about the incident with my mum

"Come on Ally, go take a shower and what not then I need to talk to you" James said

"I have no clothes though James"

"I'm sure Emily or Eleanor have some for you to borrow then tomorrow we will go collect all your bits and pieces from Jacks house" I just nodded before heading up the stairs in to the bathroom, I walked in, made sure I had a towel ready for after. After nearly ten minutes of trying to work the shower I had to call James

"James I can't use your stupid shower" I shouted, I heard him mumble a 'I'm coming now' I quickly wrapped a towel round myself and waited for James to walk in to turn the shower on.

"All you have to do is, turn the left side then the right a little. It would work better if Beau hadn't of fallen and broken the damn thing. But there you go"

"Thank you James" he just nodded before walking out the bathroom and locking the door.

I stepped in the shower letting the warm water run down my tense body, letting all of today's happenings run down the drain. I washed my hair with some shampoo and conditioner, then realised the only body wash they had was a manly smelling one. But I suppose it's better than smelling of other things, right? I washed myself, then stood and thought for a while.

I was broken from my thoughts when i heard a harsh knocking on the door

"Ally? Are you okay? I have clothes here for you" Emily shouted

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking that's all. Okay just leave them outside and I will get them when I'm out. Thank you so much Emily" I didn't get a response meaning she just left them outside for me.

After a further 20 minutes of drying and changing I finally got out the bathroom. I walked into James' room to find him sitting on his bed

"Hey James"

"Hey, I am so sorry for earlier. I felt so bad, I should have either come after you or stayed outside with you instead of letting you run"

"James its fine, I just went to the beach. Had a ver awkward encounter with my mum then left the beach and headed fuck knows where then I walked back to the beach"

"what was that about your mum?"

"She wanted me to waltz back into her life like nothing ever happened. She said that the only reason Jack left is because he realised how I wasn't worth it. She told me I couldn't walk away from here so I just told her all the things she did and that shut her up" I said while sitting down next to him

"She seriously said that? What a bitch, I'm sorry Ally but she's no mother for leaving you or saying that to you"

"Yeah I know. But it made me realise something. I don't need her or family members in my life to keep me happy when I have you boys, Emily and Eleanor. I realised how happy you guys made me, it just took me a while to realise that. And I am sorry for running away, I just got scared because everyone who ever said they loved me, they all left and I was scared that you were just saying that but when I realised you actually meant it I felt awful for leaving"

"Its honestly fine that you felt the way you did, I felt like shit after for telling you when you had loads to think about but in all honesty that walking down the beach has really cleared your mind a little"

"Yeah it has, so in a way I'm glad you told me. Thank you James"

I looked at him, he was playing with his dimple piercing which I grown to love with every moment me seeing him.

Maybe just maybe, I was slowly starting to fall for him?

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