Chapter 12

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James' POV

I walked upstairs to try and find Beau to tell him Gina was leaving, I looked into his room and saw Ally placing her hand on the bottom of his back. I felt a wave of jealously wash over me, I just shook it off and watched them a little longer. Beau pulled Ally in for a hug, again I felt jealous. I backed away then walked back down the stairs then shouted for Ally and Beau. They walked out the room and Ally was smiling, ever since they had to kiss Beau has been a little more clingy to Ally but he knows how I feel about her but I don't want to act on my feelings towards her as I know she doesn't like me that way. I watched as Ally stood talking to Gina, I wasn't really listening until they both looked at me and Gina said 'more than friends with someone else' . Meaning I went red in the face. Thanks for that Gina

What's that supposed to mean? Does Gina know something I don't? Anyway to late to ask her as she walked out the door with Beau trailing behind. We all then dispersed into our own ways, Emily and Jai going to his room. Eleanor and Daniel to the living room. Ronnie and Mariam had gone for a romantic meal and Jacob had taken Gina and Beau to the airport. That just leaves Luke, Ally and myself.

"James, I am going to head home to tidy up the house and to get rid of the smell in there" Ally said while breaking me from my trance

"How are you going to get there?" Luke asked then walked off

"Walk? Its not far plus I could do with a walk"

"I will walk with you, don't want you to go getting hurt or anything" I said by this point I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks

"No it's okay James I will be fine" she said while walking to the front door

"I insist Ally, I don't want you out there by yourself. Who knows what could happen to you" all she did was sigh knowing I was right

I shouted to everyone I was walking Ally home and I wasn't sure when I'd be back home but I don't think they actually listened so I text Ronnie just in case they did start to worry about me. I walked out the house and walked up to the big black gates at the top of our drive with Ally. She seemed a little fidgety, she kept scratching her arms and kept taking big breathes

"Ally are you okay?"

"Me? Yeah I am fine" she said a little quick

Now I wasn't convinced she was okay at all....

Ally's POV

As soon as the L.A wind hit my skin, my arms started to itch. I have had this feeling before and I knew what I needed to do but I pushed the thoughts a side. I tried my hardest to hid my scratching but James saw me

"Ally are you sure you're okay? Is there anything I can do?" James asked

"No honestly James I'm fine, but I have had this feeling before and I know what I need to do to get rid of it but I want to not think of that. So can we talk to get my mind off it?" By then James had caught on what I was on about and got to the point straight away. He started talking about the type of videos they make, how much they get criticised by people for their videos and so forth. We had a laugh about anything and everything and all my cravings disappeared.

"James can I ask a question?" I asked while stopping in the street

"You just did ask me a question" he smirked

"Haha very funny. Anyway, why do you care for me so much?"

"I just do Ally, being with you I feel as if I get to see what it's like for a few of our fans who go through the same thing. I get to see what its like for someone to overcome something so big and life changing and I like to be apart of someone's life who I can help" James gushed, and by now a were back at my place.

"I just want to say thank you James, I haven't had this much fun for so long. If I'm honest if you or any of the boys hadn't of come into my life I definitely know for a fact I wouldn't be here right now-" I could see James flinch when I said that

"But James I know I have only know you just over a month but you have all changed my life and I can't thank you enough for it. I am a lot happier than I was"

"Honestly Ally its all part of my job, I love helping people out" James said as we walked into the house that still wreaked of alcohol.

"Right what are we going to do?"

"I am going to clean up this mess, you can stay of you want" I said

"Yes I will stay, I want to help you and spend more time with you" he said with the last part being a whisper, maybe James thought that i didn't hear it but I did and just shrugged it off

"Right cleaning products are under the kitchen sink" I said while walking to the fridge, I opened it up and instantly gagged, I shut it quickly then went to find James. I walked into the lounge to find him on his phone. I stopped outside and listened, I hated eavesdropping but I heard him mention my name.

"Jai, I am seriously fucking freaking out here. I don't know what to do. I have never felt this attached to someone EVER. The last thing I got so attached to was my gold fish but that died. She just makes me so happy and I don't know why, you have seen how much she needs someone by her side and I want that to be me but I know she doesn't feel the same way and it kills me to know that" I heard James say, did he really feel like that round me? I walked back to the kitchen to get the cleaning products to start clearing the kitchen.

The kitchen wasn't massive but it was spacious. I moved bottles upon bottles of beer off the counter, after removing the glass I found a broken one by the microwave. I put the bag full of glass bottles on the floor and started to move each glass shard off the counter, James was still talking to Jai at this point or so I thought

"Hey Ally" James said making me jump and cutting my hand

"Ah shit" I moved my hand over to the sink, but the thing is it didn't hurt I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I put my hand under the sink and watched the crystal clear water turn a cherry red colour with every drop

"I am so sorry Ally, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" James asked with worry in his voice

"James I'm fine honest, just get me a plaster from the cupboard by the cooker"

James got my plaster and helped me sit down. I held out my hand to get the plaster from James but he just moved it away

"Let me" he said, he knelt down in front of me and I placed my cut hand out in front of him. He grabbed some tissue and dabbed it dry and cleared a little more blood before placing the plaster on the cut.

"Thank you James" I said, I looked down and I realised how close we both were. My heart started racing, I looked into his big brown eyes and I could feel something pulling on my heart strings and my mind was saying 'it's not a good idea and it's not worth it Ally' but I didn't listen, I could see James leaning in for a kiss.....

Was this really happening?

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