Chapter 5: "international, super spyyyy"

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   "Hey Hitoka!" the silver haired man howled, almost a little to loud for Yachi's liking. It's been years since she's even seen this man, now he's- at her door? Not only that, he brought another man who looks oddly familiar. OH SHIT ITS-

"Atsumu right?? Yeah I remember you too! What are you guys doing at MY door?? I'm not sure what you would want with me 7 years later!" Yachi nervously chuckled, remembering that something ultimately brought them at her door, when she rarely even had any interactions with these guys. Well, at least Atsumu.

    "Well..uh that's the thing hitoka-chan!! May we come in?? Just for a moment and we'd be out of your way!"

"Um...sure! I kinda was in the middle of cleaning, I really wasn't expecting company but make yourselves comfortable! I'll go get some waters for you guys, since I know you aren't really big on tea. You can sit where you'd like!" Yachi exclaimed, as she hurried toward her kitchen.

"Well, she's a nice one. Shoyo-kun sures' a kind guy, no wonder he would go for one in return." Atsumu quietly slurred, claiming his seat at her chairs. This was a nice, cozy home, perfect environment for Shoyo. Wait, speaking of, isn't this a little weird? Shoyo definitely LEFT for home, yet he isn't here?? Oh no. What if?

    "Bo. I err... I think-

"Sorry guys! Here's some water and refreshments, since you guys just came from practice." Ah she was back. Damnit.

"How'd you know that, hitoka chan?!" Bokuto erupted, as if this were prime evidence. She knows they had practice today! Which means, who else could've told her that, other than her BOYFRIEND who plays for the team! This is the shit right here!!!

"Oh...uh, you have on your uniforms?? I was a manager, remember?" Yachi sighed, rubbing her thighs smoothly, seeming to loosen up. Oh. The blonde man eyed Bokuto with a glint of amusement, stifling a laugh. So he was finding this funny huh?

"Yeah! So uh how are ya?" Atsumu asked, breaking  through the glare Bokuto was sending him.

  "Well I've been good, you know I'm in design, working is pretty tough, but it comes with it's perks." She smiled. She's really pretty, Shoyo definitely took this one for the picking. Oh wait the thing-

"Thats great! My mom used to talk about her wanting to go into that profession, yet she just settled for a health administrator." Bokuto said. This small talk is really cute, but they just need this info.

They finally reached the topic of living, after Atsumu has to shout, "this is a really nice place ya got!". "You live alone? Keeping all this together alone is really impressive." He asked more, leaning back as he waited for what they even came here for.

  "Oh..well, yes I do." is all Yachi said, scratching the back of her neck as a lifeline to hide the awkwardness. Well, shit.

"Ah, okay! What about contacts? I'm sure it gets boring... you can have mine! We can have tea and-

"Bo I don't think she needs friends.

"I do have friends, Bokuto-san. Thank you for extending your kindness to me though! That was really sweet!" Yachi said, putting her hands up as the blush on her face became more and more visible.

   "Speaking of friends, you still keep up with yer ol crew?? You guys were really close," Atsumu eased into this one, just trying to focus on getting this information and leaving unlike Bokuto who's trying to make friends with her because he thinks she's lonely.

"Uh, karasuno as a whole or just my group?" Yachi asked cocking her head to the side.

"The first year group, you know, you, shoyo, the blonde one, the freckled one, and tobio-kun." Please, please please-

"Oh, yes! We're still best friends if that's what you're asking. We still go out every 2 weeks, and we have a group chat where we talk  everyday. They haven't changed at all!" Yachi smiled thinking of her friends. They really are the best, even if all they do is be gay and all.

  "Although hanging out can be kinda disgusting sometimes. Pda runs it's course, as well as feeling very... third wheel-ish. But they make up for it nonetheless!" Yachi chirped, bringing her hands together. Now the men were just flat out confused. So she must be single. AS FUCK. But the third wheel part- IF THAT MEANS, HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT CANT BE!

  "Third wheel?? What do you mean by that, Yachi?" Bokuto asked, as if sensing Atsumu had put something together.

"Oh, they're all in relationships. Except me of course, I'm just by myself. THEY MAKE MAKE ME FEEL COMFORTABLE THOUGH, I was only saying that stuff to tease them, don't worry."

"Oh, so they date amongst the group?" Bokuto asked, eyes wide in realization of who just might be this potential smooch monster.

"Wait don't you guys know? Shoyo never told you?? I mean I guess he didn't actually tell me, I found out on my own. It was pretty obvious after knowing him and what he talks about all day long." This has got to be the stupidest shit to have happened. How could they be this dumb??? It's SO obvious who it is now. SO PAINFULLY OBVIOUS.

  "Well, he kinda didn't but we caught him on the phone giggling, wrapped up and all, and when he realized we heard he was out like a shot." Bokuto turned to Yachi to find her wide eyed, almost like she'd done something terrible.

" he didn't want you guys to know? I-I wasn't supposed to-

"It's okay hitoka-chan. We're not gonna do anything, we just wanted to know. I mean hell, it's not like you explicitly told us who it was." Atsumu said, reassuring her that it wasn't her fault.

"I guess, but it's not like I didn't narrow it down to something SO obvious. Unless you're an idiot. N-not you guys though! It's really easy to guess who it is, is what I'm saying. They are so clearly wrapped up in each other it's really hard to not notice."

"Yeah, we notice now haha! Well thank you Yachi! We appreciate your efforts and help! Remember to update us on that job of yours!" Bokuto yelled, springing up and grabbing Atsumu with him, bowing as he made his way to the door. "Take care of yourself!!" He said once more, as he opened the door and closed it. Yachi then got up from her seat, and locked the door behind them.

They totally thought it was me," she said as she fell into a bubbly laugh followed by a sigh. "Ahh. Kageyama's gonna kill me."

Meanwhile, Atsumu and Bokuto are silent on the way to the car. Atsumu opens the passenger, while Bokuto hops in the driver. Closing both doors in silence, after sitting for a long second, they began to erupt into a fit of chaos.







Can you really even call this shit unexpected?? We all expected it but why is it so damn shocking???

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