when he arrived

13 2 0

He knocked on my door that day,

bold and strong

His visit was expected

I had heard his footsteps

still, it sent shivers down my spine,

cold sweat on my back,

blood rushing to my cheeks.

My grip on reality began to fade

I was slipping into the dark hole,

I felt his grip on me,

He held my shoulders tight

and shook some life into me.

One.. two... three... seconds pass

oceans are set loose from my eyes

my eyelids flutter

like tiny canoes in the ocean,

they have lost all direction.

I feel dizzy;

left gasping for air


Every step he took towards me 

my heart skipped a beat

till it stopped beating at all

My legs rooted in the ground

my body planted in his hands

My stomach tingled

dead butterflies lay decaying in its pit

but then he left

just like he had come

Bold and strong

He was FEAR

and at that moment

nothing else was clear

but he left

and I stood up

and I had become bold and strong.

Thought Abyss - Lost In My HeadWhere stories live. Discover now