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"Sana your alarm rang. Don't you have class now?" Shiv called from his room.

Shit, shit, shit.

I completely forgot about my class, I had a free period and then lunch so I sat in the playroom eating my lunch and watching TV. I got up and bolted to my room.

Please don't be mad.

I opened my laptop and hurriedly logged into everything and clicked on the Zoom meeting button only to be met with a "This meeting has not started yet. If you're the host, please log in to start."

Okay she can't be mad if she hasn't even started the meeting yet. In fact, I should be mad. Dammit, I left the TV on.

I quickly grab my phone and text Chanel making sure she hasn't started the class yet sometimes my WIFI gets trippy, and the class did start but it won't pop up for me.

Oh, thank God it hasn't started yet.



"Kay, I don't care." I laughed.

I clicked on the Zoom button again and this time it took me to another window and asked if I wanted my camera on. "Yeah, hell no." I click on the no video button and sit in the waiting room for about 0.5 seconds until I'm met with Mrs. Jones' concentrated face as she's looking at her laptop screen, typing and clicking away.

"Hey sorry babies, I got caught up with lunch and I completely lost track of time. I sorry." she says in an apologetic voice.

Jokes on her I forgot too.

Zoom meetings are so boring, I have no clue how homeschooled kids do school at home and how virtual academy kids do anything while being at home. We've only been doing Zoom for two days and I'm already sick of it. Our school really had to get snowed in and burst pipes all over. Its Wednesday February tenth and they expect the school to be fixed by February fifteenth which is a Monday.

"HEY GOOD PEOPLE!!" I groan and turn my laptop volume down. That was Austin, loud obnoxious jerk, annoying hyper class clown.

"HEY GOOD AUSTIN!!" Mrs. Jones imitates back.

I hear a "HEY MRS. JONES!" from the one and only Ace, his loud voice fills my room. "HEYY ACE! It's nice to see you!" Mrs. Jones greets.

We all greet her and do a would you rather as she calls roll and turn our cameras on. They would you rather was, would you rather live on a yacht or on a cloud.

Yacht duh.

After that we dove right into the boring lesson about the book we're reading now. Safe to say I was texting Chanel and Gabriella the entire time, browsing Pinterest, and reading but not the book we're supposed to read.

Thirty minutes and two videos later she explains that we have a group project to do, we have to talk about potential career options in the book and their symbolism and then create our own career paths for the book and explain why and the relevancy of it. I was about to ask her if I could work with Chanel when she said, "Originally I was going to let ya'll choose who you want to work with but half of you are going to choose not to work with anyone, so I'm just going to click the random button and it'll assign you to a breakout room randomly. Any questions?" she looks around at all of the boxes. "No? Okay, give me.... one second,".

I'm frantically typing out a text to Chanel, I'm really hoping we're in the same group. I look up and a join button pops up, it's for group five. Chanel's typing and she also gets five, so I click on the button without any hesitation and join the room.

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