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We have twelve days of school left, back in March I wanted school to end and now I want to stay. I don't want to leave; it feels weird to leave even though I'll be seeing these exact same kids again in September and over the summer.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Shiv pulls into the student parking lot. Today is day one of Riverview's spirit days, it's an annual tradition here at Riverview to spend the last two weeks in full spirit and completely decked out. Today's theme was trashy tourist day, extremely ironic since our town is an ancient hub made to attract old tourists. It used to be one of the first settlements here on the east coast, most tourists often came for the legendary parades we have every month. The parade consists of many eras and themes from throughout history. Freshmen are to wear tourist shirts and khakis; sophomores are to wear corsets and or breeches, juniors get to wear cottage core vintage things, and the seniors have the full-on Puritan dressing style.

I step out of the car and adjust my corset and dress. About a month ago, when the themes and days were released, I was browsing Amazon and google for the stuff I'd need, and I came across the prettiest vintage corset on Etsy along with a dress. The corset is a beige cream color with Victorian era flowers in vibrant hues of pinks with hints of a periwinkle, the dress is white with long sleeves and it's an off the shoulder dress with a lace neckline and bows on each side of the shoulders. I've paired it with black boots and a pair of pearl earrings and a pearl necklace.

"HEYYY OVER HERE!!" Bellina waves. We used to take French together back in middle school but then realized we both hated our middle school teacher for French and now we've been Latin buddies for who knows how long.

"Yo we still have thirty minutes before the doors open, you do realize that right?" Gaby reveled as she lifted her dress while walking over.

"Yeah, but it's fun to do this, and besides it's more fun to one up Creston." Chanel adds grabbing stuff out of her sister's car. 

"True, true." I smiled; one upping Creston always felt good. Creston, after hearing about our spirit days, made their own Walmart version. Now of course it does not even stand close to ours, but they tried.

"Where's everyone else?" Chanel asks, holding up hats and hair pins she brought.

"Ooh I have stuff too," I remembered that I had also brought some special accessories for everyone to wear. I pulled out a bag filled with small lock necklaces. Each necklace could be scanned with an app and led to a group account where you could view photos and add them. I had set it up over the weekend with the help of Mrs. Smith and Jackson. It was like a portal of memories for our graduating class. I had already added previous pictures from the past years and asked a few people to send me some to add.

Fred and Austin are sauntering over in the distance, Ace trailing behind, fixing his black button-up shirt's sleeve.


I swallowed; he looks absolutely breathtaking. His hair is messy but the pretty kind of messy, his shirt is slightly wrinkled, but it looks better that way, he's wearing white breeches that complement the shirt.

"Hi," He said finally looking up to everyone. Austin and Fred had already made their way over but I paid no attention to them at all, turning them out completely, I waited for Ace to finish.

When his eyes met mine, I let out a breath I was holding in unintentionally. That felt like a year.

"Hey," I smile, well I tried not to smile but it just came out. His eyes trailed me up and down, taking me in and causing my breath to hitch once again.

"You look..... breathtaking." He finished.

"BRUH EXACTLY, she just manages to pull off everything you give her," Chanel wailed.

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