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It's a Monday morning and I'm regretting live choices, one being the fact that I've chosen to work out more often, so hitting the gym everyday even just to do cardio or some basic stuff is a part of my routine now. The gym is practically empty and there's only a few people her other than the workers. I pause my music and guzzle some water down, water do be bussin after a few reps.

I grab my stuff and move to the weight's sections for some small lifting exercises and to cool off before I head out. I go over to the dumbbell rack and start out with some of the lighter weights and do some lateral raises for a warmup. Out of the corner of my eye I see a certain brunette doing chin-ups. I just freeze up for a second before I resume doing some dumbbell lunges.

Oh shit. Noooo. This cannot be happening right now, why me, no like why me. Stop I probably look so gross right now. I mean I did spend thirty minutes on the elliptical and then the bike. Shit I think he saw me.

I continue doing my lunges and then move onto the weighted rowing machine. That is one of my favorite ones out of all the ones at the gym, it's one of the first things I learned when I first started coming to the gym. I don't think he saw me cause he's still doing his chin-ups, that's his what like fifteenth. If that was me- which I probably would never, I wouldn't last even like two.

I do ten rows and drink more water and finally go to a bicycle to cool off for the day. As I'm restarting the machine and scrolling thru music on my phone, someone slips into the bike next to me. Stop I look like absolute shit right now. Fuck. I'm literally wearing a sports bra and matching leggings and all sweaty and gross. I hope I don't smell bad.


"Hi Ace."

"So, are you a regular here or just like a onetime thing?" He asks setting his bike up.

"Regular. I try to come here at least four times a week. You?" I reply as I find the right music.

"Uh just started here a week ago, coach has been on all of our cases to work harder and longer. Season just started and we have a great chance in the state championships this year." He cheered sarcastically.

"Oh my god that's great!" I congratulated him.

"Thanks! When do you come around, I haven't seen you until today?" He asks keeping the conversation going.

"Uh I normally come in the mornings but the past week I decided to just sleep in a bit and workout in my house instead," I informed. "Sometimes I come in the afternoons though."

"Cool, good to know," We both just start pedaling quietly, listening to our own music until he breaks the silence. "I hope you know that I didn't mean to let you do all the work for the project right?"

"Look dude you're fine, I just had a bit of time and I used it." I shrugged.

We both just laughed and pedaled our bikes for a good fifteen minutes and then I checked the time and "6:21" was written on my lock screen and I needed to go get ready for school.

"Wait hold up, before you leave I wanna do something," he pulls his phone out and opens the camera icon and snaps a quick selfie and then starts typing stuff. A second later I get a text from him on the group chat. The picture is captioned, "Look who I ran into.".  I also get a story from Ace and the picture's his first story of the day.

"Broadcasting, are we?" I chuckled. "Something like that." He laughed.  

"Okay I have to go now but I'll see you in English?"

"Yeah, for sure." he waves as I walk out the gym."

"Bye!" I look back and wave. 

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