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"Anyone else just really sad right now, like I'm supposed to be excited for summer but I'm not." Chanel shared, taking the thoughts right out of my brain.

"Uh, me." My hand shot up almost immediately at that.

Today was the last day of sophomore year and it was a half day. After yesterday, I think a half day is a whole century too less to live. When the bell rang, dismissing that class, Ace, Austin, Chanel and I all walked the long route to Mrs. Smith's AP Civic's and Economy class. Reminiscing whatever we had left of the year.

We made to it Mrs. Smith's class barely by the time the bell rang but no one really cared, we were laughing and skipping our merry way to class.

As we were about to step in through the door when Chanel paused. "Whats wrong?"Ace asked, turning to look at her.

"Kinda wanna have a movie moment right now guys, we might not be going to the same schools until after winter break next year, so I want to just..." Our school district had a thing where it was doing a student swap for the rising juniors and a foreign exchange for the rising seniors. A lot of us had chosen to take part in the student swap. Our school swap announcements were coming a few days before my birthday, so we had time.

"Yeah, um I get." Austin nodded.

"Let's all step in together," I prompted. "At the count of three."

"Oks" were muttered, and we stared the count of three.

"One." I began.

"Two." Austin firmly said.

"Three." We all counted in unison as we stepped into the classroom.

"Ah, look who finally decided to come into the classroom after standing outside!" Mrs. Smith sniped.

"At least we showed up," Ace snarked back in return, making everyone laugh.

We spent the last thirty minutes of that class dancing around and laughing over a short game of Charades. About seven minutes before the bell was going to ring, we all gathered around Brooklyn's camera and did a group pose. We had been taking class pictures in every class today, so this was normal by now, we even coerced Mrs. Smith to join us.

"Y'all it's pointless to cry over leaving, we all see each other tomorrow for Ishaan's sixteenth." Austin rolled his eyes.

"Bro you guys are too sappy," William added.

"Speaking of Ishaan's sixteenth, has everyone gotten their outfits from the dry cleaners?" I turned my head in their direction. "His mom was asking me yesterday,"

A bunch of "Yeah's" chorused from everyone.

"Wonderful." I sighed in relief.

The bell suddenly rang, and happy yelling could be heard from the halls and students storming the halls, we all looked at each other for a moment. Smiles and blissful eyes were exchanged between us all as we grabbed our stuff and said our goodbyes for the day.


"MOM!!!" I shouted from my room. "Come get this odhani on my blouse!"

(Odhani: a long flowy length of fabric, often called a scarf)

I plugged the straightener into the outlet near my vanity and started sectioning my hair off while my mom stormed into my room. She grabbed my back and started adjusting my blouse and pleating the odhani.

"Ah, what is this, Sana?" She groaned. "I just ironed this, why is all wrinkled?" I turn around and look at the odhani. "Brooooo," I blurted.

"Huh, who's bro? I'm not your bro, what is this nonsense?"

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