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"Bye mom, love ya!" I waltz out the garage door and plop in my car. Currently I'm headed over to my third study group -yes there are three- and this one's for AP Lit aka my English class. The final exams are nearing so quickly it's scary, I feel like I haven't learned a single thing at all this year and I'm gonna fail.

Today the meeting is being held at the library in my neighborhood, Gaby and I managed to book it since we both live here. I drove down the street and took a turn onto the bridge that overlooks the small creek. I drove some more before reaching the library, I saw Gaby's car pull in as well.

"Heyyyy, ready to get your study on!" Gaby mocks, mimicking like a mom

"Yes, yes I am." I pump my arm up in the air, saying it with as much sarcastic enthusiasm as I could muster.

"Bruh this fucking sucks, if I fail, I'm blaming the test." Gaby says seriously and slumping.

"Oh same, it's not my fault I need to know these verbs and literary devices." I agreed, "It's really unfair to put this much pressure on us when we've got sports, jobs, college searching and much more to do. I literally have a game on the day of the Math exam." I exasperated, throwing my hands up.

"What the hell, why. No why would they do that?" Gaby groaned, smacking her forehead. "That's so fucked up, I swear to god they have no chill."

"Ugh it's literally more fucked up than the stupid Jack and Jill theories on TikTok," I opened the back door and started grabbing all the textbooks and notebooks and supplies I need for this study session. "I was looking at the schedules for games and shit and I saw that y'all have games twice a week too, until like three days before the second exam."

"Yeah. How many do you guys have?" Gaby asked, popping a piece of gum in her mouth, "Want one?"

"Ah yes please, and we just started three games a week. So that's amazing." I say with a giant sarcastic smile plastered across my face. I take a piece of gum from her, unwrapping it I place it in my mouth and throw the wrapper into my bag along with my pencil pouch and purse.

"Oh, that's just great, isn't it?" she says with mocking enthusiasm and jazz hands. "We should go inside though."

"Yeah, we should." We head towards the double doors and push them open, a Mahogany and cinnamon scent enveloping us. "This place gives me Hogwarts vibes and I'm here for it!"

"No please I love it so much, it's so homey and comforting." Gaby agrees, pointing to the comfy reading zone which has bean bags and automans and pull-out day beds.

"Fax," I sighed, wishing I was born in the Hogwarts Era and world. "How does that table look?" I pointed to a huge circular table that was hidden by a few antique bookshelves. It seemed like it had enough chairs and if not, we could just add more.

"Oh my god yes, it's great!" She quickly ran to the table and dropped her bag into a chair, and I did the same.

"Hello?" Someone called, their voice ringing through the silent library.

"We're back here!" I yelled, hoping whoever it was would find us cause I'm too lazy to go get them.

"BACK WHERE?" They laughed; at that moment I knew exactly who it was. Fred. His laugh sounds like a five-year-old and a monkey.

"FRED GO PAST THE COMFY SPACE AND TURN LEFT AND LOOK PAST THE ANTIQUE BOOKSHELVES," I yelled, grabbing water bottles from the fridge behind the storage cart. "FIND IT?"

"YES SANDBOX, I FOUND IT!!!!" He hollered waving his hand.

I sighed, "Fred I thought we went over this. Don't call me sandbox, please?".

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