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She pulls up to where the GPS says is Sarah's house. It was a small trailer, but it wasn't a trailer that was junky and rusted. It was modern and had a nice shine to it.

There weren't a lot of cars. 3 at the most, assuming Sarah's was one of them.

She pulls out her phone to text Sarah that she's here, but quickly realizes Sarah's raising her hands side to side, as if she was a plane conductor.

She definitely knew it was Sarah's house now.

She pulls into her driveway, and gets out of the car.

"Hey girl, about time!!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Who's all here?" Safari asked questionable.

"Just a few friends. I'll introduce you to when we get inside."

The girls walk in the house and Sarah Starts introducing Safari to the 5 other people that were there.

Sarah points to the guy with curly hair, a slim body and a crooked smile on his face. "This is Isaac. He's my boyfriend."

"This is Rachel, she's my friend from the neighborhood. She's cool, just a little younger." She had a slim body, was wearing jean shorts and a tube top that made her look way older that what she was.

They were only 17, so she wondered how much younger Rachel was.

Sarah introduces two girls at the same time. "This is Emma and Whitney. They came together. They're my friends from school." Emma was a blonde. She was beautiful. She's the type of girl that you'd see at the beach, with her glowing hair and a light blue Hawaiian bikini on. Whitney was a brunette. She was a little chunkier, but she pulled it off. She was wearing a black and white tshirt with young mike jagger on it, and a red skirt that came up to the middle of her thighs.

She finally gets to the last guy, sitting at the end of the couch. He was a dark skinned boy with a smug look on his face.

"This is Jamais."

"Yeah, I know who he is."

She recognized him the minute she walked in. It was her other best friend, Taylor's, ex boyfriend. They dated a while back.

Safari adjusted herself in a seat close to her door. She gestures for Sarah to come to her.

"I'm only gonna stay for a while. Maybe 4 hours. Gotta be home before 4."

Sarah understands without Safari having to explain.

Safari liked that.

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