Morning After

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The first thing she did that morning was think of Taylor.

How was she going to tell her? WHAT WAS SHE GOING TO SAY? She had thoughts running through her head.

Is this the end of our friendship?

That's it! I'm not gonna tell her. If he keeps his mouth shut, so will I. She won't find out.

Maybe she didn't find out about it, but someone sure enough did.

She looked over, expecting to grab her phone off of her night stand, but she doesn't see it.

She rubs her hands around her bed sheets and still can't find it. So she gets up, looking on the bed, in the half open drawer in her room, under where she usually puts her phone at, and underneath her bed.

Her face gets white.

There's no way she doesn't know I snuck out.

She slowly walks out of the bedroom, looking at the time. 1:43pm. Usual morning schedule.

She looks around the living room for her phone and her grandma. Neither of them are in there.

She looks through the window in her kitchen, leading out to the backyard to see if her grandma is out there.


She creeps into the tiny hallway, looking in her grandmas room, just to find her standing with her phone and keys in her hand.

God, please not right now. Actually...never!

"Wanna explain to me why my RING caught you sneaking out at 10-11?" Barbara says, dangling safaris keys in one hand.

Since when do we have a ring?

"We have a Ring?"

"Yes, and it caught you. Spill. Now." She sounded eager and angry about the whole situation.

Safari was sure about two things.

One, that she was screwed.

And two, she was NOT getting away with this one.

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