Lies, Lies, Lies and More Lies

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Safari ended up making some bazaar lie about how Leah's mom was in the hospital and Leah needed company.

"I'm back home, safe, aren't I? Isn't that what matters?" Safari said, worried and nervous.

"I don't care how late it is, or how freaking bad the emergency is. You tell me when you're going out. Under no circumstances will you be driving this car, or using this phone for 2 weeks. Something bad could've happened." Barbara was heated.

"Did you forget the part where I told you that something BAD DID HAPPEN? Leah's mom had a freaking heart attack. She needed me."

"She has her family." Barbara walks away.

After all, it's not the worst that could happen.

Every time her phone is taken, her clueless grandma forgets to take away every other electronic devices she has.

She goes to grab for he ipad, but it's not there.

She outsmarted me this time. It's gonna be a longgggg 2 weeks.

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