'You Owe Me One'

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She has no idea what she's gonna do about Taylor. She doesn't want to ruin her friendship. She really didn't mean to. It wasn't her idea to kiss this guy several times at a party she didn't even want to go to.

That party was so not worth it.

She pulls out her phone, looking at the name 'Taylor.' She scrolls past it and clicks on Sarah.

Safari: Remember when you said 'you'd owe me one' if I was caught at this party?

Sarah: Granny found out?

Safari: No, Taylor. And she's pissed at me. Totally blocked me and won't speak to me. I didn't tell her. Douche, Jamais did.

Sarah: what you want me to do?

Safari: Text Tay, tell her I'm so sorry and I'll do anything to make it up.


Safari: Any Luck?

Sarah: None. Sorry!

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