At Home

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She parks her car in her driveway.

She pulls her key out and as she reaches for the key slot, the door opens.

Oh F**k. No way this is happening right now.

It was 4:45 when she got home. She had no idea how the time slipped away from her so early.

When the door opens, it was her sister, Mackenzie in her dollar tree work attire.

She was not expecting that.

"What are you doing?" Mackenzie asked in a rude, but curious manner.

"Uh- getting something out of my car." Safari nonchalantly looks around her surroundings, finally spotting something good enough to make an excuse out of.

"My bag and hoodie. Left it from when I was at Leah's the other day. Has my AirPods in it." She waves the bag up to her sisters face.

"Why'd you have he door locked?" Mackenzie has her hand sat on her hip by this point.

"Just saw Ben, he was just outside. Didn't want him walking in." She felt really good after that one.

Lying was so natural to her. It's like she's been doing it her whole life!

She walks into the house, locking the door behind her and going into her room. She slides off the clothes she has on right now and switches into some comfy night pants.

Guess I got away with that one.

As she texts her groupchat with her friends and her awesome cousin in it, about what an eventful time she was having, she fell asleep.

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