Hide and Seek

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Safari elbowed Jamais right in the rib after Isaac announced teams.

"What the hell was that for?"

"You set this up! You told him to put us on teams."

"Why you complaining? You know you like me." Jamais stated confidently.

"What makes you think that?" Safari said, cocking an eyebrow.

Sarah interrupting, "okay, since my team picked the teams, we'll count first. No off limits, just no hiding in the house."

The other team scrams, while Jamais and Safari walked.

"Where you wanna hide?" Safari said.

"Let's hide behind this bush." He pointed at a bush close to the road, farthest from the house.

They ran to the bush.

A few minutes pass, and no ones been found.

"I just want you to know, nothings gonna happen between us. I couldn't do that to Tay." Safari whispered.

"Nothing gonna happen."

She shrugs her shoulders, actually believing he let it go that easily. It kind of stung. She really believed he was into her. It made her feel good about herself.

Not even a few seconds later, she feels him grip at her bottom.

She gasps, slapping his hand and chest away.

"What the hell, man?!" She screams.

He slaps his hand on her mouth, "watch it. You're gonna get us caught."

She punches him once more on the arm.

"Sorry, my hand slipped."

I'm a part of the 97%.

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