Sorries and Hugs Wont Fix a Betrayed Friendship

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She gets back in her car and heads to Taylors house. She's not speeding this time. She's taking the car ride to collect her thoughts and feelings into what she's going to say to taylor when she gets there.


"Tyler, please. Get your sister to talk to me!" Safari begs.

"She won't come out. Sorry, I'm not forcing her to do anything. What'd you do to her anyways?" He asks curiously.

"You really don't know?" She asks shocked.

"No. That's why I asked."


Safari goes to Taylor's window and starts yelling.

"Look, Taylor. I cannot give you the words to describe how freaking sorry I am. Even though I didn't kiss him, he kissed me, I know it was wrong. I should've told you. If I could, I'd take it all back. I wish it never happened. I'm not even attracted to him. Tay, you know I'd never do anything to hurt you. I'm so sorry. I want to hug you and tell you that I'm so sorry."

Safari waits, hanging her head down low.

Tyler watching her from the front door.

Finally, Taylor opens the window.

Thank God.

"These sorries and hugs won't fix a betrayed friendship." Taylor says, closing the window.

Safari feels defeated. She begins walking to her car.

"Where you going?" Taylor says with a smile on her face and her arms making a 'W' motion up in the air.

"What? Home. You hate me." Safari says confused.

"I don't hate you. I never did. the beginning, but when I thought about it, it didn't make sense. I know you wouldn't do that to me. We've been friends for so long and you've never hurt me in such a bad way. I love you, Safari, and I trust that you made the right decision that night. I'm not gonna ask questions. Give me a hug." Taylor forgave Safari.

The guilt Safari had built inside of her was gone. It felt like bricks were lifted from her shoulders.

"Thank god. I hated him. He wasn't so great." Safari said.

"He wasn't too bad." Taylor said.

"Eh, maybe." Safari said shrugging.


Safari and Taylor hung out for the rest of the day.

Taylor and Safari laughs.

"What's funny?" Safari asks.

"This would make one epic wattpad story, would it not?"

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