2 weeks later

24 0 0


She finally got her phone and keys back, never got caught and exposed about anything that happened to barbara, and she and taylor are still cool.


She thought she was until she unlocked her phone.

14 unread messages,
54 unopened snaps,
5 missed calls,
and 3 missed FaceTime calls.

She opened her text messages from Taylor:
Taylor: we're done. can't believe you.

She immediately texts back.

Safari: I'm so sorry, Taylor. It was all him. He was doing it to me! You have got to believe me. I love you and I wouldn't do this to you.

*this message failed to send*

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

She throws her phone across the room.

She starts putting in clothes and brushing her hair quickly. She heads out the door, phone from the floor, in hand and keys in the other.

She pauses, mid walk, turns to go to back to the house and states,

"Going out to see a friend. Love you."

"Okay, love you." Barbara says.

She darts out of the house and speeds up the street.

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