~45. A Cinderella Story✨

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Once upon a time, in the era of kings and kingdoms, there lived a humble baker named Bani. She was a fine baker, finest in the country I dare say but sadly, no one knew her name. This is her story.

Bani was born to a baker couple after years of trying for a baby. When she was conceived the couple was overjoyed. Sadly, Bani's mother passed away in childbirth. Her father was sad but loved his daughter anyways. However, without his wife, he struggled to manage the bakery and a young baby alone.

As he had no one to leave his child with, he often carried her around. That was the reason Bani learned the fine art of baking so perfectly by the age ten. She would make the most scrumptious of food in a age kids couldn't even recognize most of the stuff. With her baking skills, the bakery started to gain more and more popularity. Soon, it was the best. They became quite rich and people started to acknowledge them.

Like bees get attracted to honey, many get attracted to money. Bani's father started to have many woman pine after him now. He wasn't ready for it though. He loved his deceased wife and was happy with just Bani as his family. Then, the horrible accident happened.

Bani's father was involved in an accident and was taken for medical aid. Bani was all alone at home with no one to handle anything. A young window started to take care of her and her father. She told her father how important it is to remarry as Bani only had him. If anything is to happen to him, who would Bani turn to?

This made Bani's father think. He saw the young widow also had a child named Chandini who got along well with Bani. The widow too was really nice to Bani and took care of her while he was recovering. He decided to marry the widow and adopt his daughter.

This is when Bani's life took a drastic turn!

The moment the widow married into the house, she started to treat Bani horribly. Even Chandini bullied her. The widow told Bani's father to not employ the young girl but actually made her do the entire household work. She would grab her jaw and beat her in places not visible in general.

W: You'll do as I say or I'll poison your dad!!!

A young Bani was terrified of her step mother and did all she said. She cooked and cleaned, washed and got bullied.


Years flew by, Bani was now a young beautiful girl. Despite her hardships, she was kind and gentle. Her eyes were like melted chocolate and her hair were long and wavy. She always had a polite smile on her face. Whoever saw her couldn't take their eyes off her, much to her step-family's disappointment. Whatever they did never broke Bani's spirits until fate decided to be even more cruel with her, her father passed away in sleep.

While Bani cried and mourned her loss, the widow made sure to name everything after her and thought she will live happily. However, under her nasty behaviour, the employees of the bakery started to leave. Soon the bakery lost its credibility and employees. The widow had no talent to run it herself and no one to work.

This put much pressure on poor Bani. Now she worked tirelessly at home and at the bakery. The widow did not want Bani to come in public eye. She was scared Bani will soon get a suitor and her free maid would leave. So, Bani baked all she could in the house and Chandini would sit in the bakery to sell. She had no business sense and was horrible but Bani's food was delicious enough for people to come back. The business wasn't booming like before but it was enough to help them make ends meet.


One day, Bani was drying the clothes in the garden when she heard an announcement. It was being done by royal guards as they roamed around every street.

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