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It had been 3 weeks since I had been in a coma. In that time I was fussed over and treated like a baby. I wasn't able to do anything which was annoying and oh yeah. RAPH AND I ARE DATING! LIKE WAAAHHH!

I had just come from my mothers house. They had put me in a bad mood because I had been missing for a couple days. They only care because no one was there to clean the house. Like sorry I'll make sure I clean the dishes before being kidnapped and put in a coma.

But anyway, I walked into the lair coming back from the store. I had just gotten in before getting asked what I got by everyone except Sensei. I went into the kitchen brought out ice cream, chocolate, chips and popcorn.

I put the food away before yelling, "Don't even think of touching this food! Or someone will suffer! Especially you Mikey!"

Raph smiled as he came in and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him and grinned.
"Let's watch this movie I found. Its called Batman."

I screamed in happiness. Batman is amazing! I love him!! I raced to the front of the lair, Raph chasing after me.

I giggled as I cuddled into him while he started the movie.

~After le movie~

"Ugh that was horrible Superman is waayy better than Batman." Raph groaned as he stretched. I glared at him, and paused the rolling credits.
"What. Did. You. Just. Say?" I said. I stood up as he smirked at me.

"Batman sucks. Superman rules."

'Um hell no. Hell. No. Batman is life. He does not deserve to be called this.'

"Give me 3 reasons why Superman is better." I demanded.

Raph stared me down, obviously taking this as a challenge. "He has no weaknesses. He is stronger and faster than anyone. He is the worlds idol."
I scoffed.

'This ignorant turte! How dare he say superman is the worlds idol!'

"Really?! 1. Batman has gone through tons of hardships while your baby Superman has lived a sheltered life! 2. He got where he is without help of any kind and he made all of his weapons by himself! 3. He is more relatable because he is human and has weaknesses while Superman has one weakness and it's not even on this planet! Like what the shiznit!"

Raph rolled his eyes and muttered something that sent me over the edge, "Maybe he should've just died with his parents..."

I gasped and screamed. "HOW. DARE. YOU!"
Donnie, Mikey, and Leo raced in wondering what happened.

When I explained it to them Leo and Donnie groaned, while Mikey laughed.

I ignored them while I pummeled Raph with reasons why Batman was amazing.

Raph stared at me clearly taken back. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me before leaning down to kiss me passionately.

I ignored the other turtles groans as we kissed. Raph pulled away and smirked.

"You look hot when you get mad." He whispered in my ear. I shivered before pulling away and walking towards the kitchen.

"Batman is still better than your dumbass, non-human, unrelatable Superman." I yelled and giggled quietly.


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