The Oracle of Fate

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The land were divided into Four Kingdoms. Zhao of the North, Guo of the East, Shen of the South and Chu of the West, ruled by their own Kings respectively . Each Kingdoms had loyal subordinates, consisted of magical animals and elements. But in the center of the Four Kingdoms, stood Mt. Kunlun which is the true power source that unites them together.

The Queens from the Four Kingdoms all bore Princes.

The North born a Prince with great power of Kunlun since birth. Destined to rule over the other Kingdoms.

The East born a fragile Prince, but like they say do not judge a book by it's cover.

The West born a Prince with strength as strong as a buffalo.

And while the South born a beautiful set of twin Princes. The eldest twin is called the delicate flower because he is so prim and proper, while the younger is the wild flower because he is very naughty and playful. But both are beautiful than any men and women could compare.

Every Princes on their 16th birthday, needs to go to the foot of Mt. Kunlun to read their oracle of fate by touching the magic stone tablet. This year happens to be the year that both twins had to go read their oracles.


"Da Qing, which prince will go read their oracle this year? I heard father talking about it." Zhao Yunlan asked while laying on the grass field at the foot of Mt. Kunlun, since it's the warmest place in the North.

"This year will be the twin Princes of the South Kingdom." Da Qing replied.

Da Qing is from the Cat Clan, a magical cat born to protect and serve Prince Yunlan.

"You mean the beautiful twins rumoured to be so delicate and beautiful than any men and women could compare? Maybe the oracle will let them bore children." Yunlan laughed at his own joke, not believing much about the rumour. How could a male be more beautiful than a women, he had always thought.

"Well anything is possible, since your oracle said you're the strongest and will rule and unites all the Kingdoms together. Ruled over all but just under one! Doesn't make any sense." Da Qing shook his head, not understanding what the oracle meant.

"Come on Da Qing, it's an old stone. Let's go back, I think Chu Ge will be arriving soon!" Yunlan patted Da Qing's shoulder and started to run. "Wait up!" Da Qing shouts and ran after Yunlan.


"Gege, are you ready? We have to start our trip to the foot of the mountain." Yezun said as he tried pulling his Gege out from the spring water. "Didi, let me bathe first and you should to." Shen Wei suddenly pulled Yezun in, drenching his whole outfit.

"Gege! I'm all wet now!" Yezun pouts and started splashing water at Shen Wei. Both giggled at each other and continued to bathe.

Finally Shen Wei and Yezun made their way to the foot of the mountain and there stood the magic stone tablet. "Gege I will start first." Yezun puts his hand on the tablet. He closed his eyes, absorbing his oracle which Shen Wei could also feel since they are bonded twins.

"You the Second Prince of Shen's from the South. A strong warrior, born to protect your brother and the Kingdom. You will succeed great in the future and finding one true love." ~end of oracle~

Yezun opened his eyes. "That's it Gege? Can't they tell me whom my true love will be?" Yezun crossed his arms together because he is not satisfy with his oracle.

Shen Wei patted Yezun on his head. "My Didi, fate cannot reveal all the details in our lives, it's up to us to walk the journey and find out." Shen Wei now approaches the magic stone tablet and closed his eyes.

"You the First born Prince of Shen's from the South, a delicate Prince born with great responsibilities. Willing to sacrifice for those you love, but that what makes you stronger. Being the only one that will rule above the ruler."~end of oracle~

"Rule above the ruler, Gege what does that mean?" Yezun wondered.

"I don't know Didi, lets get back. It's getting late, I think Guo Chang Cheng must be here." said Shen Wei, as they sat on the cloud and ride back home.

Note: Shen Wei and Yezun could control water and wind elements.


Back at Zhao's Kingdom, Yunlan welcomed his good friend Chu ShuZhi which he calls him Chu Ge.

"Chu Ge what's wrong?" Yunlan asked while chewing on his cane sugar and looking at Chu walking back and forth hastily.

"Yunlan I met someone, he's so cute. I want him!" Chu admitted. Yunlan spits out his cane sugar and widened his eyes in disbelief. "What? I thought you said you won't get married to anyone. You will roam the world with me." Yunlan complained.

"He's not just anybody. He's the Prince of the East." Chu eyes sparkled just by thinking of his crush. "I met him when we visited their Kingdom." Chu explained to Yunlan and Da Qing with eyes filled with love.


At Shen's Kingdom and in the twin's bed chamber.

"What!!?" Yezun shouted loudly, shaking poor Guo back and forth.

"Stop it Didi!" Shen Wei took his brother arms off poor Guo whose head is spinning like a wheel at the moment.

"You mean you fell in love with the Prince of the West?" Shen Wei wanted to confirm and Guo nods his head in response.

"I heard he is as big as a buffalo. How could you! We promised to become the three clovers and roam the world together." Yezun frowned.

"Oh Yezun, you don't understand! Just wait until you meet someone you love, you won't be saying this to me anymore." Guo defended himself as his mind wandering off to his crush.

"Will I ever find the one to love also?" Shen Wei thought inwardly but Yezun snapped his fingers, bringing him out of his thought. "Don't you dare think Gege!" Yezun warned knowing what his brother was thinking.

Shen Wei started to drag Yezun and Guo on the bed. "Anyhow let's go to sleep, for tomorrow we have to set out early to the North Kingdom." Shen Wei said with excitmeent, as he crawls in between Yezun and Guo to sleep like they normally do.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is actually one chapter of the story I wrote long long ago. You don't even want to know. I just thought to put it out and made a cover for it, then maybe I would incline to write it out later. But as I mentioned before, I get my head lost in longer stories and my writing becomes sloppy. Anyhow enjoy the first chapter.

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