Searching For You

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Yunlan felt bone-chilling cold as he slowly opened his eyes. Thinking to himself, where else could be colder than the North Kingdom. "What is this place?" He rubbed his temple and noticed he was on a snowy mountain. From afar, he saw a figure standing with an umbrella by the cliff. Yunlan approached the person, who he thought was very elegant.

The person turned, revealing his face that resembled Shen Wei. "Xiao Wei!" Yunlan ran towards him, but as he got closer, he knew it wasn't Shen Wei. "Who are you?'

The person chuckled. "I'm not surprised that you could tell us apart. I'm Hua Wuxie, used to be a guardian of the North Kingdom. Shen Wei is part of my incarnation, just like you are part of Kunlun's incarnation. Back then, Kunlun and I were seriously injured. We could only use our remaining powers to seal Lord Demon temporarily. Thanks to you and Shen Wei, he was defeated for good." Hua Wuxie revealed.

"Xiao Wei! Where is Xiao Wei!" Yunlan became frantic, fearing for Shen Wei's life.

"I managed to protect his body, but his soul had scattered in different realms. You must collect his scattered soul and bring them back to his body." He then gave a magic pouch, a bracelet and a medicine bottle to Yunlan. "What should I do with these?" Yunlan asked.

"Open the pouch only when it glows. The instructions are written inside. I must warn you that there is a forty-nine days time limit that the soul could be out of the body. Your strong bond of love for each other will guide you to him. This is the best I could do for you before I leave!" Hua Wuxie informed as he came closer.

"Where are you going?" Yunlan asked.

"My duty here is done. It's is time for me to enter the wheel of reincarnation. Kunlun is waiting for me!" He pointed his finger at Yunlan's forehead, emitting a warm light. Soon, everything slowly faded.


Yunlan snapped open his eyes, gasping for air. "Yunlan! You're awake!" King Zhao and the rest rushed to his bedside. Yunlan suddenly noticed the items in his hand. "Where is Xiao Wei?" He quickly gets up from bed with Da Qing's help. Everybody sadly looked at each other, then lead him to where they kept Shen Wei's body.

Yunlan rushed towards his lover, who is resting on an iced bed to preserve his body. "Xiao Wei!" Yunlan tenderly caressed Shen Wei's head. "We went down to the pit and found his body well protected by the snow flower petals. But my Gege is like an empty shell now." Yezun held in his tears.

"I must save Xiao Wei quick!" He took out the items and explained to everyone what Hua Wuxie instructed him to do. Suddenly, the magic pouch glowed. He opened the pouch, and words came flying out.

"Lie down next to Shen Wei and interlock your fingers. Run your energy flow together with his. The bracelet will bring you to the realm, and it will blink when coming in contact with Shen Wei's soul. Find Shen Wei in that realm and make him willingly come with you. When he agreed, let him drink a soul-recovering pill."

"Please watch over our bodies!" Yunlan wore the bracelet and laid next to Shen Wei. He closed his eyes as he focuses his energy flow through the interlock of their fingers. The bracelet illuminated as he drifted to another realm.


Yunlan again opened his eyes and witnessed a horrifying scene. His pants were down, and a few men were pressing onto his limbs to restraint him from moving while the person in front of him, holds a sharp knife, ready to cut his manhood below. "What is going on?" Yunlan freaked out. "Stay still! This is the procedure to become an Imperial Eunuch."

Yunlan immediately used his power to freeze their movements. "Am I at the imperial palace?" he pulled his pants up. Yunlan then cast an illusion spell to make them think he's already been castrated.

"Is it complete?" Head Eunuch Chu walked in, flipping the whisker in his hand. And beside him, his assistant Eunuch Da Qing.  "It doesn't seem like he needed to recuperate.  Just get him to work right away, shall we!" Da Qing gave a sly smirk.

Yunlan can't believe what he is seeing. His friends are here in the realm too, but a totally different person. The other eunuchs nodded and gave Yunlan a uniform to change into.

"You're looking pretty!" Head Eunuch Chu and Eunuch Da Qing covered their mouth, giggling like a woman and whacked Yunlan playfully on his perky butt with the whisker. "Follow me! I will assign your post!" Eunuch Da Qing called for Yunlan to follow him.


Yunlan held a tray with fruits and wine, heading over to the King's chamber to serve him. None of the eunuchs wanted to serve the King personally because it was like putting life on the line. One mistake, and heads would roll. So Yunlan being a newbie eunuch, landed himself the privilege of being the King's personal servant.

"Good luck!" Eunuch Da Qing prayed for him and sprinted away, leaving Yunlan alone in the King's chamber. "He never changed!" Yunlan chuckled at his friend, who had always been the quickest to flee.

"Who's there? Come, help me undress, I want to bathe!" the sweet voice called, making Yunlan widened his eyes hearing the familiar voice. "Could this be?"

Yunlan put the tray down and approached the King, who had his back facing him and lifting both arms for Yunlan to take off his robes. Yunlan's hands trembled as he took the outfit layers off one by one until the King was totally bare. Yunlan swallowed hard, telling himself not to look, but his eyes can't stop roaming at the slender figure, so flawless.

The King took a step down the pool and slipped. "Ahh!" Yunlan tried to help but was also pulled in as both went splashing together inside the pool. They ascended from the water together, with Yunlan holding onto the King's slim waist. Eyes locked in surprise, now seeing each other faces. "Xiao Wei.." Yunlan pulled him in closer and quickly devoured his lips. In a bit, King Shen Wei was finally out from his kissing shock and pushed Yunlan away. He immediately got out of the pool and rushed to wear his robes.

Yunlan also got out dripping wet as he faces the blushing King, who can't look him straight in the eyes. "Xiao Wei!" Yunlan called out again, rushing over to hug him. But King Shen Wei quickly unsheathed his sword and pointed at Yunlan. "You insolent eunuch, dare to disrespect me? Kneel!" King Shen Wei commanded. Yunlan quickly put both hands up high and kneeled to his beautiful King.

King Shen Wei keenly observed the handsome eunuch. "You are new? I've never seen you. What's your name?" as he puts his sword away.

"I'm Eunuch Yunlan, will be your personal servant," Yunlan reported with a wide cheeky grin.

King Shen Wei was internally excited, having a handsome man although a eunuch to serve him. "You may rise! Go change your outfit and come back soon!" King Shen Wei ordered and waved him out.  "Yes! Your Highness!" Yunlan quickly rose and left the King's chamber.

Door closed. "Yunlan.." King Shen Wei whispered the name while caressing his kissed lips. "It's my first kiss!" He blushed and quickly rushed to finish his bathing.

"I have to find out soon if Xiao Wei's soul is taking shelter in this King's body," Yunlan said inwardly as he hurriedly turned a corner and surprisingly bumped into Yezun and Guo, who was heading to meet the King.

"You lowly servant! Watch where you are going!" Yezun was about to punish Yunlan, but Eunuch Da Qing came to the rescue as he pulled Yunlan to bow down. "He's new here, General! Please have mercy!" Yezun smirked at Da Qing and left with Guo to meet his King brother.

As Yezun and Guo turned the corner, Head Eunuch Chu walked by and gave Guo a wink which made Guo shivered as he quickly hid behind Yezun, who just chuckled.

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