The Sacrifice!

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After observing the Legendary Holy Grail, Shen Wei noticed a stone tablet in the corner.  Strangely there were no writings on it.  He suddenly remembered some details in one of the books he used to read about the North Kingdom.

"Yunlan come here!" Shen Wei called.  Immediately Yunlan made his way over.  "What's it, Xiao Wei?" Without answering, Shen Wei quickly took Yunlan's hand and placed it on the stone tablet.  "Can you draw out an energy to your palms?" Yunlan did not question and just did what Shen Wei had asked.  Suddenly, the tablet illuminated and strange writings started appearing.

"What kind of scribbling is this?" Yunlan scratched his chin. "It's ancient writings!" Shen Wei replied while examining what was written.

Shen Wei then started reading the ancient writings.  "To unseal is to sacrifice.  To sacrifice is to obtain.  Only with the blood of the fated ones that is destined." Shen Wei translated to Yunlan.

"Incredible Xiao Wei, you even know how to read the ancient writings!" Yunlan was fascinated by Shen Wei's beauty and brain.  Shen Wei blushed from Yunlan's praise.  "I like to study and read ancient books since little."

But their moments were broken when a beam of light came flashing their way.  Yunlan quickly grabbed Shen Wei to his side and counteract the blow with his blue iced beams.

"Who's there? Come out!" Yunlan demanded and cautiously bringing Shen Wei behind him.

"Hahaha! Prince Yunlan of the North.  You are a quick one!" Zhu Jiu laughed while slowly revealing himself.

"Zhu Jiu! You bastard!" Yunlan shouted.  "So you were really the one setting up traps here and causing chaos?" Yunlan confronted.

Zhu Jiu laughed again.  "Yes! Indeed it is I! But it is sure tough to get rid of you all!" Zhu Jiu admitted and gazed at whom Yunlan is with as he widened his eyes.  "Wow! What a beauty is with you.  Come to me beautiful and I won't hurt you! I promise!" Zhu Jiu looked intensely at Shen Wei with lusts in his eyes.

Yunlan clenched his teeth with disapproval and hid Shen Wei behind him.

Yunlan's actions caused Zhu Jiu to smirk.  "How about we fight? The winner gets the beauty," said Zhu Jiu and suddenly leaped over to attack Yunlan.  Yunlan also jumped forward and summoned his Ice sword to fight with Zhu Jiu.

"Snow frost I summon you!" Yunlan ran his fingers along the blade of his sword as it started to flare and the frosted laser started to lock on its target.  Zhu Jiu widened his eyes and barely escape the lethal attack as it scraped his face.  "You must pay for this!" Zhu Jiu, who did not want to admit defeat started attacking violently again.

As swords were clashing with intensity.  Shen Wei, who was too absorbed in the fight between Yunlan and Zhu Jiu, did not realize that someone had snuck in behind him.  "DIE!!" Bai Hao Tian screamed from behind Shen Wei and tried to slash him with her sharp spidey leg.

Yunlan, who even though was swiftly fighting against Zhu Jiu, never took his eyes off Shen Wei.  Noticing that Shen Wei is being attacked from behind.   He immediately teleported himself and jumped in to shield Shen Wei from the attack.

"Yunlan!!!" Shen Wei screamed, seeing blood dripping out of his chest from a deep wound.  Yunlan fell on one knee and spat out blood.  "Yunlan!" Shen Wei cried out as he tried to support him.

Zhu Jiu saw the situation is at his advantage and having the upper hand to get rid of one of the Prince.  He beamed his dark energy towards the injured Yunlan.  But this time, Shen Wei noticed and quickly hugged Yunlan as the beam hits him instead.  The forces were quite strong, which sent both flying towards the Holy Grail.  In the process, both Yunlan and Shen Wei's blood splashed on the Holy Grail.  Instantly absorbing them as they disappeared within the Grail.

Suddenly the whole mountain started to shook abruptly as if it were about to cave in.  "Yunlan!" Bai Hao Tian called, but Zhu Jiu quickly pulled her away to escaped the falling rocks.


The Four Kings were playing chess together when suddenly the chess pieces started to fall and rolled down because the ground had begun to tremble.  "What is happening?" King Shen yelled, trying to stay balanced.

Suddenly Zhu Hong appeared in front of King Chu and reported on what happened in the cave. They looked over at Kunlun Mountain and noticed strange energy rising.  The Four Kings immediately teleported themselves to the entrance of the mountain.  They quickly joined hands and the power of absorptions appeared bringing back everyone.

In a flash, Chu, Guo, Yezun and Da Qing appeared from a portal.

"Where is Gege?!"

"Where is Yunlan?!"

All of them yelled out together.  King Zhao and King Shen wanted to go into the cave, but the force field around Kunlun Mountain pushed them back.   Even King Zhao himself could not reopen the force field.


"Xiao Wei...Xiao Wei!" Yunlan crawled towards Shen Wei, who is lying unconscious on the ground.  Yunlan managed to crawl towards Shen Wei and pulled him in his embrace.  "Xiao Wei..wake up! Please!" Yunlan caressed Shen Wei's face as tears started forming in his eyes.

Shen Wei slowly opened his eyes while coughing out some more blood.  Shen Wei lifted his hand, also wanting to caress and wipes Yunlan's tears away.  But Yunlan caught his hand instead and holds it tightly.  "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei called out weakly.   At this point, Yunlan's tears had started to flow and dropped on the ground one by one.

As Yunlan's tears hit the ground, they started to rise back up and turned into iced crystals.   Then a voice was heard calling out to Yunlan.  "Prince of the North, you finally came!" The unknown male voice spoke.  "Who..who are you?" Yunlan asked.  "I am God of Kunlun Mountain.  The original keeper of this Holy Grail!" The voice revealed its identity.

"Please help us, please save Xiao Wei!" Yunlan begged.

"To help! Is to sacrifice.  Are you willing to sacrifice your life in exchange for his, but you yourself will die?" God of Kunlun questioned.

"Anything! I will do anything as long as you can save Xiao Wei!" Yunlan hurriedly responded without hesitation.

"Show me!" He challenged and summoned a dagger right in front of Yunlan.

"Nooo...don't!" Shen Wei coughed, trying to grab the ice dagger away from Yunlan's hand.  Shen Wei with his last strength pushed Yunlan away.  He took the dagger and immediately pierced himself in the heart.  "Save...Ah Lan!" Shen Wei begged with his last breath before he closed his eyes.

"Xiao Wei...nooo..please don't leave me!" Yunlan screamed, hugging Shen Wei tightly.

"Now that he had sacrificed himself for your life.  I will save you!" said God Kunlun.

"Wait for me, Xiao Wei!" Yunlan whispered and gave Shen Wei one last kiss.  As he summoned an ice dagger and pierced it to his own heart.

Before Yunlan fell unconscious he heard the voice spoke out to him again.  "To unseal is to sacrifice.  To sacrifice is to obtain.  Only with the blood of the fated ones that is destined.  Come receive my power!"

Everything then started to fade away and turned pitch black.  Yunlan closed his eyes but felt immense energy flowing within him before he fully fell unconscious.

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