Chapter 9

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YAYYY an update finally!!! sorry y'all i've just been soooo incredibly busy lately! well heres a little something! i hope you enjoy!! xoxoxox

Time passed  and Thor tried his hardest to gain Lynnah's affection, although most of their conversations ended up like this:

“Ah Lynnah, It is a great day for working out, which I have already done, do my muscles not look larger and more defined today?” Thor asked, selfishly, flexing his muscles. 

“Um, yeah, a lot bigger… you know, that’s great that you’re working out today, not that you don’t do that every day, but I must go, Loki is summoning me.” And she ran off to meet her man, glad to get away from that awkward situation. 

"He's just not my type," Lynnah thougt, why doesn't he just pick one of the girls he's constantly flirting with for his mate."

For a while it went unnoticed, Thor seemed to forget about her. But then they were to announce they’re engagement at Thor’s coronation that day! 

As Thor walked down the royal asgardian hall, dressed in shinging armor, Lynnah stood by Loki glad she was with the one she loved. Much to her dismay Thor grabbed her and announced in front of everyone there "My lovely subjects! This here is the lovely woman i have chosen to accompany me for life. As king I will rule you well with a gentle queen by my side." 

Lynnah looked despretly at Loki, but he just smiled. Odin walked to Thor and began making him swear his oaths, when all of the sudden he was interuppted....

"Frost giants..."

kay y'all, i know this was short but i have some good stuff coming... :D

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