Chapter six

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Chapter six~

Four hard years has passed and Lynnah had grown into a beautiful young woman. In fact her beauty much surpassed that of Sif, which displeased Sif very much. Despite the training she had gone through, Sif decided to become a warrior. It was finally Lynnah's 18th birthday and several maids were getting her all ready for her birthday celebration. She wore a long dark purple silk gown, and her long golden hair was curled and put in sort of a half updo with silver flowers shaped in a crown around the curls. She was ready to go to her feast. She walked down the hall when she heard a familiar booming voice.

"Ah lady Lynnah, I see you have grown into a woman and you are on you way to your feast at the palace." Lynnah laughed in her head but answered

"Yes my lord Thor, it has been forever since I have seen you." Thor had certainly grown up as well.  He was 17 when Lynnah last saw him but now he was very handsome and muscular. He had blonde hair that came about to the top of his shoulders, and a beard. In his hand he held a hammer.

"Well if it isn't my old playmate." a silver voice rang coming from behind her. Lynnah turned around and saw Loki. He was very tall now. Very, very handsome. His black hair was slicked back. It was long but not as long as Thor's. "Loki! It is so good to see you!" she smiled up at him. His beautiful eyes seemed to sparkle back at her. And he smiled, the most amazing smile.

"well we must be on our way" said Thor offering his arm to Lynnah. She had Thor on one arm and Loki on the other, and she was trying not to let them drag her since she was short and they were both at least a foot or so taller than her. They entered the feasting hall welcomed by trumpets. And somewhere there was someone announcing their names. Odin and Frigga were sitting at the head of the table. Thor sat by Odin and Loki by Frigga. The warriors 3 and Sif sat by Thor, so Lynnah decided to sit by Loki. (which she was very excited about.) after they had eaten and drank (some drank a little too much) Thor stood up and announced the dancing. Thor had Lynnah for the first dance. Loki was still to shy to ask her to dance with him. He was starting to have feelings towered her and it hurt to see her dancing with his brother. Frigga came up to Loki.

"if you want to dance with her just ask her."

"what? I, um was just..."

"I know you like her. She is very pretty. But a handsome man like you shouldn't just stand around! Go find a different young lady to dance with. I'm sure they are all dying for you to ask them."

"oh no. They would much rather have Thor dance with them. He is always favoured over me. But, dear mother, I could not think of anyone else I would rather dance with then you." she smiled at her son and the began dancing.

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