Chapter two

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Chapter 2~

All alone, she fell asleep on a pile of leaves, crying herself to sleep. She awoke to the sound of horses and a boys loud voice

 “Ah my dear brother, what an excellent way to celebrate your birthday with a good horse ride!” Lynnah carefully stood up wondering who it was coming from. Whoever was talking seemed to have some sort of accent. British maybe? Was she in England? She sat and waited and pretty soon two young boys came around the corner riding on horses. When they saw her, they stopped their horses.

“Look Loki, a little girl!"

In disgust Lynnah looked up with tears on her face and said “Im not much younger then you!”

“ Oh really? You have spunk. What is your name?”

“I’m Lynnah and I’m  8 years old. Today is my birthday.”

“Oh that is just splendid! I am Thor And this is my brother Loki. It is also the day of celebration of his day of birth 10 years ago now. Where did you come from? A neighboring village?”

“Um, no. I came from where I live.” Lynnah replied, not sure what this strange boy was asking her. “well, did you come from another realm?” Thor asked.

“A realm? Whats a realm?” She was very confused by now. 

“Loki finally came in and said quietly, “Thor I don’t think shes from around here. Maybe she is a Midgardian.”

“Whats a Midgardian?”

“Someone from Midgard.” Answered Loki.

“Well, wherever you are from, im sure we will get you back there as soon as we can! But now, come to the palace with us.” He put Lynnah on his horse and led her. She had never ridden a horse before and it was very exciting for her.  

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