Chapter 14~

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The next thing I knew, I was holding onto Thor as he began to swing his hammer round and around. In only seconds, there was a flash of light, I was swept of my feet, almost flying it seemed. Then we arrived, Earth. We seemed to have landed on a moving serface. It was very dark and  I couldn’t balance. Thor sat me down then jumped inside the sip. Then with a flash of red and green he was gone.

“and that,” I said aloud to myself, “is why I didn’t marry him. Always thinking of himself before me.”  

Inside of the SHIELD ship:

“I think theres still something up there,” The Black Widow said, “Tony, you check it out.” Clad in his iron suit, Mr. Stark opened the roof door and searched.

(back to Lynnah’s POV)

It began raining, so I being extremely tired and great with child, began looking for some door to get inside. All of the sudden a door opened right in front of me and a strange man hopped out of it.

“Ooh yay, a hot babe!” he said winking at me, although his smile turned to a frown when he looked down and saw me stomach. He wrapped his hands around my rather large waist and brought me down into the ship, then set me down. There was a girl operating the ship, she had firey red hair. And there was also a man wearing the colors red, white, and blue. The man who had rescued me seemed to be clad in iron? Seeing that I was cold, the multi colored man brought a blanket to warm me.

“HI, I’m Steve.”

“And I’m Tony Stark!” the man in iron said shoving Steve to the side.

“You guys are a bunch of idiots.” The red haired woman said. I peered over at her, she appeared to have a computer open and was looking at a screen with pictures of a man. I got up, still holding the blanket around me and walked over to her.

“who is that man?” I asked her.

“Oh no-one.” The lady said quickly switching screens.

“No, really, who was it?

“ok,” she sighed a heavy sigh then switched the screen back. (it was actually her screen saver :) “this is Agent Clint Barton of SHIELD, who is currently being held hostage by the evil worm Loki.”

I stepped back, thoughts rushing through my head. SHIELD? Clint? Agent? The Tesseract? All at once, I remembered everything!

“ma’am, are you ok?” Steve said supporting me so I wouldn’t fall. Tony came and pushed Steve to the side and held me.

“yes, I am fine, I just now remember everything.”  But the first thing I did was get up and walk over to the firey haired Lady, who I found out was named Natasha. “what did you call Loki?” I had a death glare on my face now.

“A worm, for that is exactly what he is.” She smiled at her own joke.

“you are smiling? Do you think that is funny?” I replied cornering her now. “how dare you call my husband a worm!” I had my voice almost raised to a shout now. “where is Loki?” 

AN- sorry its kinda short, i plan on updating again later today. I'm kinda busy studying for finals though... ugh -____-

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