Chapter four

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“Well Lynnah, what sort of games do you like to play in Midgard?” Thor asked. He and Loki were told to entertain her. “Well, I don’t really have time to play, all I really do is learn to be a spy. And I actually don’t have any friends. Well besides Clint, and he is 13. “What is a spy?” Loki asked. “Well, its someone who fights if they need to, and they go spy on bad guys, and… shoot guns!” “What are guns?” “well, weapons I guess, what do you fight with?”

“well, swords and stuff, Loki and I love practicing our skills with swords, right Loki?”

“Oh, yes, Oh course Thor.” Loki appeared to be more quiet, and he seemed to give in to anything Thor said. Lynnah liked Loki’s personality better, just she could never talk to him because Thor was always talking. “Let me introduce you to our friends” Thor said leading them to a room in the palace. "We call ourselfes Sif and the Warriors three! And someday we will be great warriors renound throughout all of Asgard!" Thor said leading Lynnah. There she met three boys and a girl who looked to be the same age as Thor. "this is Lynnah, she comes from Midgard and we are to keep her company while she dwels in Asgard. We were thinking of a game to play." "how about hide and seek?" Fandral asked. "that seems splendid. I shall be *it* " Sif said and started counting. They all ran out in different places. Lynnah thought it would be a good place to hide behind a big tree she saw. So she ran and ran then sat down behind it and took a deep breath and heard a, "hello." it was Loki. He was already hiding behind the tree. "it's ok, we can both hide here." Loki said. "thank you." lynnah responded. This was the most she had ever heard Loki talk so far. "you don't seem to talk much." "no. I usually leave the talking to Thor. After all, it seems that he will probably be king first, so he should talk more. And since we are so close in age I will probably never be king." "oh. I'm sorry. Well, I think you would make a better king than Thor. He's to proud." "thank you." and Loki and Lynnah began their friendship.

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