Chapter one

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Chapter 1

“Sir are you sure you want to adopt this child?” “Yes, yes of course.”

That was the day that Nick Fury adopted a child. A little girl with long blonde hair and freakishly blue-green eyes. Her name was Lynnah and she was 7 years old. He adopted her so he could have a child to teach everything he knew to, so she could inherit SHIELD after he died. For a year he brought her up, training her to be an agent. She was a very skilled fighter, and learned very fast for her age. But something happened on her 8th birthday that changed her life. 

“Happy birthday Lynnah!” said agent Barton. He was about 5 years older then her and treated her like a little sister. “I have something I want to show you.” He brought her to a special room where there was a strange blue object.

“Oh its pretty!” Lynnah exclaimed. She tried to touch it but Clint grabbed her back.

“Don’t touch it! We don’t know really what it does. Its called the tesseract. Some people belive it can bring you into another world, but that’s nonsense. Its clearly impossible.” 

"you never know! Nothing is really impossible!”

“haha, that is true I guess, but scientificly, its really not. Which reminds me I have to go begin my training for the day,  Happy birthday!” and with that he left Lynnah staring in awe at the blue cube. It was such a curious object, it seemed to be coming alive or something. Being a young child, Lynnah couldn’t help but give it a small touch. “It wouldn’t hurt if I just touched it a liitle… AH!” And once she touched it, it began sucking her in! She couldn’t see anything she just felt herself being sucked through the small cube. And it hurt! Then everything went black, and when she woke up, she was laying in the middle of a forest. 

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