Chapter 15~

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"What have you done with my husband?!" I shouted once more.
"We'll to be completely honest, we have no clue. Big man came an took him." Tony replied in a snarky tone.
I looked once more at the computer screen Natasha had been looking and read the words "Clint Barton." I gasped.
"Clint Barton? I knew him!" I then continued to tell the three about how I had been adopted, then sucked through the blue cube and ended up in Asgard. And how I grew up with Thor and Loki. And then married Loki. I mostly got blank stares or "what did you see in him that would make you fall in love with him?!?" Then Natasha looked at me coldly and asked,

"how long ago did you become pregnant?"

At that same time I suddenly began having incredibly painful cramps, I let out a scream.
"She's in labour," Natasha said, "Tony, Steve you go check on Thor and Loki. I'll handle this"
The last thing I remembered was a blurry Natasha telling me to breath. Then everything went black
A few hours later....

Everything started coming back in a blur

I see people rushing around me. I have no clue where i am or whats going on. When suddenly i hear a cry. And when a doctor sees that I am awake, he hands me my daughter. She has black curly hair and eyes just like her father. A tear came to my eye when i saw how perfect she is. 

"Eira" I said to myself. "Her name is Eira." 

I began to wonder where i was when a big man with and eyepatch came in.

"Welcome back to earth Lynnah. As soon as you recover you will be expected to answer any questions we might have about Loki."

"Director Fury. I've missed you so much. I have so much explaining to do."

"Its alright" Nick answered, "I know everything. Oh and congratulations."

With that he left the room.

A few days past and i was able to be off bed rest. I was given Midgardian clothing to wear and a bedroom for me and my child. There was just a big part of me that was missing, and that was Loki. I longed to run my fingers through his hair and caress his face in my hands. Knowing that he was on Earth just made me even more impatient. There was a sudden knock at my chamber door, and a gaurd (who was apparently Loki's gaurd) entered.

"I am here to bring you to your husband. But i must warn you, he may be different then you remember him to be."

My face lit up with joy at this wonderful news. 

"Shall i bring my daughter so she can see her father?"

"I am not sure that is the wisest thing, but if you please, then yes." 

I picked Eira up out of her bed and followed the gaurd. I followed him down many hallways. I passed a room where i recognized Tony and then there was another man with dark curly hair and glasses. they were studying a spear. 

We finally arrived at a large corridor where there was a large glass cage. Inside was Loki. 

"I am afraid i cannot let you inside with the monster."

all my wrath came out at this comment. "Monster? He is just like any of you men, except stronger and not so mortal. Even if he is trying to take over your world, he is my husband and i love him!" 

The gaurd stared at me in awe and nodded his head. I walked toward the cage with Eira in my arms. 

The door opened.

I stepped inside.

"What is it you mortals want with me?"

"Loki, It's me, Lynnah. Your wife."

With that, Loki stood up to his full majestic height and turned around. He was overjoyed at the sight of me and our child. He approached me and kissed me like never before. 

His gaurd stared with his mouth wide open. He reached for his walkie-talkie and said.

"Um Director Fury, I think you should see this....

AN: YAY! The happy family is all together! Please tell me what you think!!! xoxoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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