Chapter three

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Chapter 3~

“Father look what we have found in the woods!“ Thor said to his father, Odin. “We think she is from the realm of Midgard.”

Odin looked at her a bit then a smile formed on his face. He couldn’t help himself from laughing a bit when he saw the little girl, dirty from head to toe from sleeping in the leaf pile. “Frigga, Please get this child cleaned up.” His wife took Lynnah to a room and cleaned her all up, then put her  in a dress.  She joined the royal family for supper and they discussed her and where she came from. “i’m from Earth, which apparently you call ‘Midgard’, and well, I was adopted, and my adopted father trains me to become an agent so I can inherit SHEILD from him when he dies and then it was my birthday and well I was, uh, looking at this blue cube thing and it sucked me through and now im here. Wait, this isn’t, earth?” Lynnah said all this though mouthfuls of food since she was practically starving. Odin, Frigga, Thor, and Loki all stared at her with strange looks.

“no, Lynnah, this is Asgard, not Midgard.” Thor said laughing. Frigga hit Thor on his head for his response.

“Do not treat young ladies in such a way Thor!”

“Well, This is all very weird for me, But my friend Clint did tell me that some people belive the big blue cube that he called “the tesseract”, could bring people into different worlds." Lynnah responded.

 Loki had been very quiet till now but he spoke out “I thought the bi frost was the only way you could get to other realms.” Odin looked at Loki and said,

“No, Loki, there are many other darker ways to get to different realms, but we have not yet figured them out.” Loki nodded. “will I ever be able to get back home?” Lynnah asked. “I’m scared.” She began crying. “Don’t worry child, we will be able to figure something out.” Odin said comforting her.

Forbidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora