Chapter twelve~

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For a few days everything was fine. I ruled by Loki's side as his queen. Then one day he started acting strange. I walked in on a conversation between Loki and Thor's group of friends.

"My lord, since you are king now, we ask you to release Thor of his banishment." Sif asked Loki, kneeling.

"I dont think I should break my fathers last order?" Loki answered, with a somewhat evil look in his eye. After Sif and the warriors 3 had stormed off, I walked over to my husband.

"Loki, why won't you let Thor back? Don't you love him?"

"ah my sweet queen" he said greeting me with a kiss, "I do not wish to release Thor, he would get in the way of my plans, and I am the king after all, I can do what I want! Ehehe."

I stared at my king. He looked so royal, and powerful. His golden helmet and armor glistened in the faint glint of morning sunlight. But it seemed to me as if he had done something very mischievous...

About a week or so had passed and I began to feel very strange. I felt sick, but not a kind of sick that I've ever felt before... So I went to consult with Frigga, who had become like my mother. She was sitting by her sleeping husband. When I walked in she smiled.

"oh, you come with news?" she asked smiling.

"well, not exactly. I just wanted to see if you knew what's wrong with me. I feel super sick." I grasped my stomach in agony.

"haha," the former queen laughed gently. "I know what's wrong with you. You are with child."

"WHAT?!? WITH CHILD. I NEVER.. oh wait... oh..." many thoughts like this just filled my head so as i thought it would burst. I politely thanked my mother in law and left the room. I stepped outsie for a breath of fresh air, to clear my mind. I couldnt belive it! I was going to mine and Loki's first child! I walked out to the bi-frost. Hiemdall certainly knew right when he saw into the future and told me i was supposed to stay in Asgard. In the distance i though i saw two people, fighting! All i cold make out was a flash of green and red. Could that be?! It was Thor and Loki fighting! 

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