Chapter eleven

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“Where’s Thor? What have you done with him?” Exclaimed Sif with fire in her eyes. 

“Father banished him. To Midgard.”

“MIDGARD?” I thought to myself. “that’s my home.”

Sif glared at Loki like it was somehow his fault and stormed away furiously. But I knew something was wrong. I motioned to Loki to come outside and walk with me. 

“How did Odin know?” I asked

“I told him. It was for the safety of the kingdom. I certainly didn’t think father would banish him for what he did!”

“ did the right thing Loki, I know it’s hard for you, But Thor will learn, hopefully.” 

Out of nowhere, Loki turned around and grabbed my hands.

“Lynnah, I know this may seem odd to you, but now that Thor is gone I do hope that you would consider me instaed of him. You see darling, I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you, and I would be ever so grateful to call you mine. “

“Loki, you know I love you not Thor, silly. I have already given myself to you, but what would Odin say, he did betroth me to Thor.” 

“well perhaps he doesn't have to know. Oh Lynnah, I'd do anything for you, I just love you so much." 

He swept me off my my feet and brought his lips to mine


That night was certainly most eventful, I was finally able to be with the one I love. I just hope Odin approves, if he finds out that is. I don’t know what will happen if he does. I soon fell into a dreamfilled slumber. But strangely,  I heard moaning from outside my door. It was Loki.

“Loki, whats wrong? What happened?”

“It’s all a lie. Me, my whole life.”

“I looked into his beautiful eyes , not understanding. “What? What could be wrong with your life? You’ve got me!” 

A small tear trickled down his cheeked and I wiped it away. “I’m not Odinson. I never was.”

He then told me his whole story.

“Oh, Loki, I’m so sorry. But listen to me, that makes no difference to me. I’ll always love you no matter who's son you are, or if your king or not.”

“I know you will , my love. But  the All-father has fallen into the Odinsleep, and I must reign in his spot until my brother returns. And you shall rule at my side. Forever. My queen.”

I gasped. Queen? That certainly was nice, but it didn’t matter to me, I would do anything to be with the one I love,

“Tonight, we will be married. I have made the arrangements. I will see you then.” As Loki walked off he seemed so regal and royal. His cape flowed in the cool night wind, His staff in hand. But something about my man just did not seem quite right... 

I ranto my chambers and summoned my handmaidens to prepare me for my sudden wedding. I wore a long fitted green and gold dress. And in my hands I held the flowers that Loki placed in my hair the day we first admitted that we loved another. 

I walked down the hall where Loki was waiting. We answered the questions that would change our fate forever 

“I do.”

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