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JANUARY 30, 2016 — 11:01 AM

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, my hand entangled with his. However, he didn't respond, he just gave me that stupid smile of his when he does something cheeky. "I know that look. What did you do this time?"

"Nothing, I promise," He whispered, opening the doors to the band room, pointing at the seats. It was empty, making me raise an eyebrow as we entered together. Closing the door behind me, he skipped in front of me, doing jazz hands at the guitar on the stand. "I joined a band!"

"A band?" I widened my eyes, dumbfounded. "You can play the guitar? And be in a band?"

"I'm that bad at playing instruments, okay?" He whined, grabbing my hand and bringing me forward. "I just signed up like two days ago and found a bunch of interest in it. They even liked me playing the guitar!"

"Since when could you play the guitar?"

"I don't know," He shrugged, grabbing the guitar off the stand. "I guess it was a hidden talent. I never knew I could play until I played for them. They liked it—and allowed me to be the second guitarist alongside one of my homeroom friends."

"Sounds interesting, can I hear you?"

"Sure! I'd love to serenade you!" He exclaimed, grabbing a seat as he brought it closer to me. I chuckled, watching as he put the guitar strap over him before sighing, trying to calm the jitters.

Beomgyu played the guitar, strumming his hands against the strings softly. I took a seat behind him, the boy tuning his guitar as he hummed a short beat. He took a seat next to me, his head spinning around to match the slow beat. I nudged him as he stopped strumming, the boy looking over at me. I smiled slightly, kissing his puckered lips. "Have you found a new hobby besides basketball?"

"I mean, if finding out I can play the guitar counts," Beomgyu said, kissing me again. I giggled as he faced me again, sitting comfortably before starting to strum. "Watch this—I learned this from a friend today."

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