
269 5 6

Root kink?
Movie ruined
Horrible grammar
A bit rushed
Lack of knowledge
A few bad words
Alcohol usage

Requested: yes idk if they want their name but ye

Summery: idk after the movie shit so after they did what they did they celebrated somehow there's alcohol in space so they drink they all get drunk Groot and Rocket do like each other and wanna do the dirty but Groot has a secret that nobody knows/noticed and he tells Rocket Rocket finds solution and then they have sex that's fucking it idk what else that's all I got so ye if you expected something good boy you were wrong.

After they won they decided to celebrate! They were thinking about how tho because they couldn't really do anything in space. So for a few hours they just listen to music and just talked full about themselves and how good they were. Well all except Groot because his voice box is rustic the only words that can come out of his mouth is 'I am Groot' in different tones of voices. So Groot most of the time just zoned off getting a bit bored and feeling left out. Rocket which is Groot's "friend" noticed this behavior. Rocket decided to out matter in his own hands. "Did you guys see what Groot did to them he was awesome!" Groot's eyes widen of the mentioning of his name. Groot looks at Rocket and Groot made a soft smile Rocket does the same. Groot kind of felt like Rocket was the only one who understood him well not physically but emotionally. Groot never told anyone that he had a maybe small crush on Rocket. Ok a huge crush on Rocket but even so he couldn't physically tell anyone how he was feeling. Groot developed this crush a while ago actually. When they found Groot, Groot felt a connection with Rocket. He wasn't sure if Rocket felt the same well because he never showed it Rocket mostly showed love that a friend would give. Groot was scared to try and express his feelings worried that Rocket wouldn't like him back and might ruin this perfect friendship they already have. But Groot's crush wasn't something you can just shake off his feelings. Groot prays that Rocket feels the same. Groot just imagined all the things they could do together if they were a couple. Cuddle, kiss, ext. But one thought came to mind it was sexual he was thinking about sex. Groot has a secret that nobody knows yet well shouldn't really know about this secret. It's that Groot has no penis he was born without one because of birth failure. (Let's fucking say that he came out of a egg to soon idk) He tried to shake the thought off about sexual pleasure and tried to pay attention to the party. One of the members were looking around and found bottles of alcohol in a cooler. (Idfk) He brought them where everyone was and also brought some cups most of them were happy to have something to celebrate others were a bit concerned about how this is gonna go and hopefully they don't crash the spaceship. All of them loosened up and after one drink came another, another, and so on. A few hours had pass and all of them were all drunk and living their life. One by one they passed out of too much alcohol except two which were Groot and Rocket. Rocket was talking to Groot and Groot just listen because he couldn't reply back. Rocket wasn't sure if it was just from the alcohol or it was his brain but whenever he saw Groot it made his face flush. He then got a mental picture of them together it was a lovely thought of growing old together it was innocent or was it? The thought started to come out more sexual then intended it made him blush of the thought of Groot on top of him and Groot dominating him in bed. He snapped out of his thought when he heard a familiar voice saying "I am Groot?" In a questionable tone. They both look in each other's eyes and stayed like for a while not sure who would do the first move. Groot decide to do something first he put his arm which technically is a root on Rocket's face and slowly started to lean in so if Rocket didn't want to he could easily back away. Tho that wasn't the case Rocket began to also move closer to Groot. Both of them were close enough to kiss and that's what they did they kiss and they savored it. Groot and Rocket stayed kissing for a few minutes until they ran out of air. When they backed away from each other both of their faces were flushed. They were both panting getting their breath back and when they did they went back for another kiss this one getting needy and lustful. Rocket parted his lip a bit so Groot could put his tongue in and that's what Groot did. Groot's tongue was different it had a rough texture kind of like wood which made sense because he is made out of roots. When they separated lips Groot tried to ask for consent but like usual it came out like "I am Groot?" In a kind of sexual tone. Lucky Rocket had an idea of what he meant because if the tone. "Yes, I give consent" said the raccoon. And with that Groot pushed Rocket onto the couch. Groot started to leave a few hickies on Rocket's neck. "Hah... H-fuck" said the raccoon enjoying the small pleasure given to him. Rocket's clothes were taken off in the process and if you didn't know Groot doesn't have clothing so :/. Groot started to feel anxious not knowing how to tell Rocket about his secret. Instead he just stood there blankly. Rocket noticed this behavior and told Groot to try and express it with gestures or something. What Groot did was do an x with his root fingers and pointed where his dick should belong. It took a few moments for  Rocket to understand and Rocket tried to think of a solution. His solution was Groot can technically grow parts of his body because he is a root creature so he could just grow a longer finger and he can use it like a dildo. (What the fuck am I doing with life) Groot agreed with the idea and grew one of his fingers longer by a few inches. He put his finger near the raccoon's hole and slowly pushed his finger in. Somehow Groot felt some pleasure yet it wasn't a body part to feel pleasure out of which was interesting. When Rocket got use to length of the finger he began to grow it longer and longer. Rocket felt pleasure and pain but he enjoyed it. Groot began moving and each time faster. Rocket began panting and moaning because of the speed of Groot's finger. Rocket felt like he was going to cum and his moans began to sound louder. "G-GrOot! I- I'm gonna cuM!" Said Rocket. Groot just nodded when Rocket came Groot felt like he came as well but it was like a dry orgasm but he had no dick. Groot pulled off the finger and put clothing back on Rocket and began to snuggle.

                    THE END 


Peace out besties :]

Total words: 1269

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