
342 3 11

Horrible spelling
No prep
Childhood ruined
Mud kink
Me wanting to delete my existence way to many times while writing this
Naked wrestling= sex (because they don't know it's called sex)
Sweet home Alabama :]

Top: Peppa
Bottom: George

Request: yuh it got recommend in a GC I'm in

Summery: idk man Peppa saw a trap on dildo and they both saw cable porn and they thought it was wrestling so they wanted to try it outside they saw that George's dick was too small so they got the dildo and had sex in the mud. I really don't know what I am doing anything so enjoy me questionable choices in life :]

It was a regular day nothing really out of the ordinary. I was playing with my dolls while George was playing with his dinosaur. Yesterday was raining and I was hoping to go outside and play out in the mud. I love mud so much it's fun to play with and to jump on. I don't know why but playing with mud makes me all tingly and I always wanted it to put it on my body. (That changed fast) I imagine mud all over me and I smile of the thought of it. I snap out of it when I heard George crying. I saw that his finger got cut because of plastic of his dinosaur. I went to go comfort him but tripped in the process and my reflexes I put my hand out to catch my fall but one of my hands on George. George's crotch to be specific, I heard a pant moan from George when I did that I blush of the sound of that. I get up no l and go running for some bandaids.

Peppa went running to the kitchen and looked for bandaids. After a few seconds of her not finding them she ran to the next room. So on so on until the last room was mommy and daddy pig's room. Peppa enters the room seeing nobody in there. So she was quickly searching for the bandaids. She opened a drawer and saw something purple? "What is this?" Peppa asked to herself and grabbed it and touched it she saw it looked like two circles on the bottom and a long oval in the middle of those circles and a mini circle on the top of the oval. It had a strap around it Peppa was very confused on what this object was. But put it back remembering about George and kept looking. She found the bandaids and quickly went back to her and George's room. She opened the box of bandaids and grabbed one of them. She took out the wrapper and put it on George's index finger and kissed it to make it feel better. Peppa and George kept playing for a while and to hey got bored after some time. They decided to go to the living room where papa and mama was watching tv their parents said not to come but they got curious after a bit. They both snuck out of their rooms and they went to the living room they saw their parents looking at the tv blushing. They were both a bit shocked that they were blushing so they decided to see what they were watching. When they had a view of the tv they saw two people naked and one of them with their cock inside the girls pussy. George and Peppa didn't know what they were doing do they stayed for a bit and heard moaning and all that shit. They went back to their rooms they heard their mom and dad get up for water.


Me and Peppa ran back to our room when we heard our parents. We were both quiet for a few minutes now knowing what to I decided to break the ice. "What were they watching?" I ask to my sister "I'm not sure George..." Said Peppa. I started thinking real hard about thru were doing and the first thing that came up 'wrestling' I mumble"What?" Said my sister "I think they were watching people wrestle! But they are naked so it's naked wrestling?" I responded "yeah and it also looked really fun! Do you want to try it?" Said Peppa. I felt tingly near my stomach area not sure how to respond because something about this feels wrong but I don't know what. "Sure" I say in curiosity taking over me. "where should we wrestle?" I say "I want to wrestle in the mud because I love muddy puddles!" Peppa respond rather quickly.


Peppa and George sneaked outside and it was damp and full of mud. They played for a bit in the mud but then both agreed to go on and do the 'wrestling'. They both made sure nobody was watching and they began taking their clothing one by one. Peppa looked at George's cock go up and twitch slightly. Peppa looked a bit disappointed seeing that George's cock wasn't as big as in the TV. Tho that reminded her about something that looked like cock that she saw while looking for bandaids. "I'll be back I just got a idea!" Say Peppa and began going back inside naked. When she entered she saw her mom and dad naked wrestling in the couch. Peppa quickly ran to her parents room. She opened the top drawer and found it the purple object with a strap. She quickly yet quietly went back outside. And saw George sitting on some mud. "Hey George! I'm back!" Peppa said while walking towards him. Peppa showed George the object she had in her hands. "What is that?" George asked "I'm not sure put it looks like a plastic version of your private part but bigger!" Said Peppa. "Can I put it on please?" Said George reaching for the object "No! I'm older so I should put it on and I'm smarter so I'll know how to use it better!" Said Peppa in a bit of a louder tone "ok then but how will know who will win the naked wrestling?" Said George "I think it's when that white stuff comes out of our privates." said Peppa. Peppa tried to find out how to put it on and when she did she put near George's entrance. Peppa began pushing the dildo on it was hard because George was really tight. "Ow! Ow! Peppa it hurts!" Said George. "calm down!" Replied Peppa. Peppa began moving and she started to feel tingly in her stomach and George was in pain and pleaser not sure how to react he lets out moaning pain. Peppa began going faster and faster and when George got use to it somehow Peppa always somehow went faster. George couldn't talk anymore only moan and he came without warning. Peppa stopped and said "d-did I wi-n?" "I- I t-thi-nk s-so" said George trying to catch his breath "round two ?" Said Peppa



peace out besties :]

Total words: 1217

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