Going to Hogwarts.

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There isn't one damn compartment on this whole train.

Crabbe and Goyle trailed behind me as I opened and closed compartments, trying to find a place to sit.

Everywhere already had people sitting and talking. I just want an empty compartment. Reaching the last door, I swing it open. Inside was a girl, Her white hair covered her face, hiding that she was asleep. "Get out. Go find somewhere better to sleep!" I barked and waited for her to leave.

She didn't move.

What the heck? I turn to look at Goyle and his face mirrored mine.

"Oi! Girl, out!!" I walk in and look at her. Little wires were in her ears, there was no waking her up. I set my stuff down and sit.

"Its better than nothing" Crabbe and Goyle nod and sit down across from me. The blond girl beside me.

"Who is she?" my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"How am I supposed to know Crabbe?" He shrugs.

"She looks like she could be your sister." God, how dumb could he get?

"Well shes not you dumb git" Its like he wasnt getting the hint that I didn't care about this girl.

"I've never seen her around, I wonder if she is new" He just couldnt shut up could he? I lean back, trying to block him out.

"Im sure shes not new" Said Goyle.

"Well then I wonder what house she is in" I take a quick glance at her, her robes had a tint of blue

"Ravenclaw" I mumble and close my eyes.

"Well shes really fit" I opened my eyes and look at her.

Her hair was out of her face now, showing off her pale skin. A little button nose, almost like a bunny. Her cheeks were stained pink, like she was naturally blushing. Big, red, luscious lips, they looked like candy. I couldn't see what her eyes looked like, but her eyelashes were white, like her wavy white hair.

 I couldn't see what her eyes looked like, but her eyelashes were white, like her wavy white hair

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"Yea.. she is" I whisper.

The sound of our door opening is what turned my attention away from the beautiful girl.

There stood three ravenclaw girls. Good they might know this mysterious one.

"Oh Sorry, we were just trying to find a place to sit" said the 1st girl. I nodded

"Sorry, we are full. But do you happen to know who this girl is?" I move a little so they could get a better look.

"Yea, her names Anastasia" Said the 2nd girl. The third and first girl had a look of disgust on their faces.

"Shes a freak. I dont even know why shes in ravenclaw, I mean- I know shes smart and all but like- Shes so... I don't know freakish" Said the 3rd girl

"Yea, its like shes mute. Ive never heard her even speak." The third one nodded in agreement.

"I know what you are thinking, arent most ravenclaws shy? But shes a different level of shy." I turn to look at her. She did look shy, even when she was asleep. She was in one tight ball. her legs to her chest and her arms around her legs.

"Well, we better get going now" She started to close the door but she lingered, like she wanted us to ask her to stay, but we didn't.

Once the door was closed I Iet a breath out.

Hey guys, so the photo above is just a little peek of what Ana should look like. She is going to look a lot like Luna buuuut there are differences, like her hair is blonder, and well they have two very different personalities. But if you imagined her a different way then just ignore the photo.

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