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The train ride was really long. Longer than usual.

When it finally stopped, it was already dark. Crabbe and Goyle had already left, leaving me to wake up this girl. I almost forgot but then I heard her groan a little.

I turn away from the door and place a hand on her cool skin. Shaking her a little bit, making sure I was careful.

"Come on, wake up" I shook a little harder. She must be a heavy sleeper. Or maybe those things in her ears were blocking her from hearing me. I gently pulled them out of her pierced ears. I could hear music from a distance but didn't think anything of it.

"Anastasia, wake up" and just like that she shot up and looked at me

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she let out a blood curling scream sending me flying backwards.

"BLOODY HELL!!!" People were stopping and looking at us, still inside this small compartment; screaming.

"Whoa!! CALM DOWN!!!" I screamed. It was like she didn't need to breath, she just kept screaming.

"Be quiet! Shhhh" I held up a finger to my lips, trying to quiet her. She finally closed her mouth.

"Alright" I let a breath out.

"Im sorry I woke you. We are at Hogwarts" She nodded staring at her feet. I felt compelled to hold her, to keep her safe.

"Well I best be going" I went to leave when I felt my body turn back around to face her again and I spat out

"My names Draco-" and with that her stomach was empty.. and all over the floor.

"BLOODY HELL!! Are you okay?!?!" She was violently shaking as she bent over throwing up her stomach. It was absolutely repulsive. Standing up on the bench, I walked over towards her and hopped off behind her.

I grabbed her hair and pulled it away from her face; gagging. This is so nasty.

I lightly put my free hand on her back and started rubbing circles. I think that just made her shake more. After a few minutes of me rubbing circles into her back she was done puking.

She ran over to the door, not caring that she was stepping in throw up and opened the door, darting out. And not even a second later I was after her.

"Wait!" I shouted, but she didn't. I ran after her, pushing people out of the way. I caught her jumping into a carriage. "1st years this way!" I crammed past everyone and hopped into the same one she jumped into.

She looked up at me and passed out. "Well shit"


Hey guys, Im back. I know that not many people are reading this (Like 4 tbh) and you guys probably don't even like this but ehh idc.

Sorry if it sucks. And if anyone could help me with how to post a photo.. Its not working for me... Its all like, 'We Can't accept this it doesn't start with a http/' or something like that idk. Anywho.

Ana is very shy if you guys couldn't tell. Later you will find out she has to take meds its so bad. Thats why she puke and passed out and screamed. She has MAJOR anxiety. Hope you liked it!!

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