Thank You

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Is it weird that I always imagined hermione with short hair? Like a bob cut? I don't know I think she looks good either way. I also imagined snape with no hair, that was until I ready that he had long greasy hair. Lol yea okay read on my loves.



When I heard there was no quidditch I was furious. These stupid other schools were coming to ours and just because of that I can't play. That is so stupid.

I walked to the great hall looking for the blond hair I had still not grown used too.

I easily spotted her. So easily in fact, I don't know how I never noticed this beautiful girl before. She stuck out like a parrot in a flock of chickens. Is there even such a thing as a flock of chickens? I'm not sure but she was defiantly the exquisite parrot.

I walked towards her. she was putting all of her books into her bag and began to stand up. I quickly ran over to a group of random people, hiding behind a tall guy, I peeked out from the side of him and watched as she walked right past me.

The group of people I was currently standing with gave me funny looks as I walked away from them and followed her out of the great hall.
She held a book to her chest and stared at her feet as she walked and her plain brown bag swung up and down on her back from her walking so fast.

She took a sharp turn into the library. I should have guessed, a shy ravenclaws home was the library. Duh.

She set her things down and walked over to a huge shelf. I, naturally, followed her.

I walked to the shelf opposite from her, looking at her through the books.
She had her head cocked a little to the left, making it easier to read the spines of the books.

My plan was to pop out at her, that was always funny, right?

I watched as she picked up a book and looked down at it. Before she could put it back up on the shelf I placed my face in the empty books spot.

Instead of putting it back up though. She nodded to herself and took the book back to her things at a table, picked her stuff up and left.

Stunned, I quickly darted after her. I barley managed to see her turn into a stairway. I stumbled after as fast as I could

Holy cow, she walks fast.

Tripping and landing on my face I got up and ignored the looks I got.

By the time I got to the stairwell, it was in the middle of changing.

As fast as I could, I ran up the stairs and jumped as far as I could. This only cause a very loud noise. The very fast walking blond stopped and turn around to look at me.
I was spotted.
What now?

What do I say??
Don't mind me, I'm just following your every move.

What was I even planning on doing? It's not like I can talk to her!! God I'm making myself look like a fool.

I watched the fear in her eyes as she turned away and began running away from me.

Ignoring my brain I got up and ran after her. It was like cat and mouse now.

When I spotted her she was talking to a painting, but before it swung open and she ran in, I grabbed her arm and spun her around.

I pushed her against the wall and tried to catch my breath, but when I looked at her I lost it all over again.

"Hey" I tried to sound smooth but oh god, did I fail. she refused to look me in the eyes

"You're a hard girl to find" I was still panting
"I'm sorry" I stop to take a deep breath
"I just... Tripped ....And I ran ..... Up all those ....Stairs" I set my forehead on her shoulder. Breathing hard, I tried my hardest to regain my posture and remain cool.

She nodded her head a little

"What is it about you?" I ask, forgetting about trying to breath.

That's when she glanced up at me and her eyes locked into my own. Her crystal orbs were more spectacular then anything on this whole planet. They were alien like.
I lost my breath and my knees buckled a little, she was that breath taking.

"You're the reason I can't breath. Those stair did nothing compared to what you do to me"
I flirted with her, but it was the truth. Her cheeks flushed red and I smirked.

"I was thinking, maybe I could take you out. get you using that beautiful voice of yours" it was like she was starring into my soul.

She shook her head and turned her eyes away from my own. I hung my head a little.
"I understand, maybe another time. I'm free whenever you want. You know where to find me, and I'll always find you. Sorry for, like, stalking you." I let go of her arms and took a step backwards. She nodded and turned for the door.

When the portrait door started to close I heard a soft and very faint "thank you"
And that was all I needed to make my week a billion times better.

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