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I wasnt the one to wake up Anastasia, I let a teacher do that. I walked into the building, searching for Crabbe and Goyle. I found the two fatties in the dining hall, I sat across from them

"Hey, where were you?" I turned to face Crabbe.

"You stupid gits left me there to wake up that girl" They both had a look of guiltiness but I didn't want to hear it. I turned in my seat and talked to better people.

I ignored dumblesnore and his speech, instead I sat and thought of everything I hated.

1. Harry Potter

2. Mud bloods/ Blood traitors

3. Poor wizards

The more and more I kept thinking I realized I hated my father. He was none of the above, no. He was so much worse. My father made me who I am today, and for that I really hated him.

What would my life be like without him? Like if he died. Would I even be in slytherin? Probably.. but would I hate every little thing?

"Whats wrong with you Malfoy?" I looked up from my hands, loosing my thought

"Uhh, nothing special Parkinson" She nodded and started eating.

As hard as I tried not to think of it, it haunted my thoughts.

Potions was my first class. Then I had herbology, and History of magic,

Then tuesday I started my day with Transfiguration, Double arithmancy/ Double Divination.

Wednesday was DADA and Care of magical creatures.

Thursday was Charms and Double potions.

Friday was my free day. Yay.

I headed to potions. With ravenclaws. Anastasia.

Walking into class, I scanned the room looking for the white hair.

No luck.

I sat down at an empty desk with no one next to it. No need in a partner, I hate anyone anyways. Crabbe and Goyle were in front of me. I was in the back of the class, because I was a cool kid.

I look to my side and infact see someone on the ground under their desk.

"Umph" The scruff of white hair popped out. She was holding her head. Was she hiding?? And when she tried to come out she whacked her head? For a ravenclaw, she isnt very bright.

I smirked and leaned back in my chair.

"Well hello there" She didn't look at me. She grabbed her books and quill looking at the front of the class. Not even acknowledging me.

I. Hated. When. People. Ignored. Me.

But somehow her ignoring me, turned me one a great deal.

"My names Draco, I think I already told you that, but Im not sure if you heard me over all of that throwing up" I chuckled at my own joke and loved the way she responded. Her whole face flushed red and she turned her head away from my sight.

Maybe I was a little harsh. Did I hurt her feelings? Oh my, what if she thinks Im bullying her??

"Im sorry, that was really mean, I didnt mean to hurt your feeling" I stared at her until she responded. She didnt. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUGH

She turned her head back to the front of clas, her face still held a little fear and hurt on it. oh my, Im a horrible person. "Im sorry.." I turned back to the front, she probably hated me, scared I would quash her with my finger. Maybe if I just leave her alone she will warm up to me a little bit.

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