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I didn't know if I should look away from his dark gray eyes, or if I should hold his stare and stand my ground. I like Ana, nothing he does can change that. I dont care what he has to say.

I decide to stare on. 

Screw him.

Im not going to let him control my life like this anymore. 

I stand my ground until the connection is broken by people walking past.

I grab my things and look out the window one last time, but this time my eyes are drawn towards Ana, shes looking right at me.

I watch her break eye contact and turn her body, she is looking right at my father, and my father is looking right back at her. 

I turn and rush past the people, running to get off the train and to get my father away from her. I dont think he would do anything. I hope he wouldn't do anything.

When I am off the train I scour the crowd looking for blond hair, I didnt care if it were my dads or Ana's, I just need to find one.

I finally see my father talking to my mother and I feel the weight on my shoulders lift. 

Thank merlins beard. 

I walk over to my father, but at the same time I am looking through the crowd in hopes of spotting her. 

My father looks angry. He places a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Who is she?" he pulls his other arm up and slightly points.

I follow his finger and its pointing right at her.

She is smiling and hugging an older woman.

Her mum. They look identical. And that must be her father. They all look so happy. 

I shake my head and turn to look at my own father.

 "Shes no one" 

And with that we head home.

 I knew he wasn't done talking about it because he never let go of my shoulder, he just kept making his grip tighter and tighter. 

When we arrived home I could feel the tension. Something was wrong. 

Something worse than me talking to a girl. 

I knew better than to ask and to just wait it out. 

I walked up to my room and saw my things already there, the house elf had brought them up. I immediately start writing to Ana. 

I know I just saw her but something about being with my parents and being home made me realize that, Im not really sure, that I miss her? That I wish she was here, well not here, but that I could be with her and I missed her presence. 

I just feel upset. 

Halfway through my letter to Ana, that is basically saying that I hate it here and just want to spend all my time with her, My mother opens my door and tells me to come down stairs. 

She sounded very serious.

Instead of closing the door and letting me get up and come down stairs on my own she stood in the doorway, waiting.

I sat up on my bed and set my feet on the floor and shifted my weight up. I slid the papers under my pillow and walked over toward the door, I closed it behind me and walked side by side with my mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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