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I am on the train, its crowded, I'm worried about Ana. I haven't seen her since we kissed and she ran out on me.

With the thought of me kissing her my hand goes up to my mouth and grazes my lips. My eyes shut quickly and briefly remember what the feel of her chapped lips on mine felt like.


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My eyes snap open when someone steps on my foot. I look down at my black shoes and look up in anger, I didn't recognize the person but they obviously recognized me because they wouldn't stop apologizing. At first I was angry, but then I saw his ravenclaw robes thought about how I needed to find Ana.

"its okay, they are only shoes" the little kid looked shocked but he quickly scattered away.

I turned my head left and right into every compartment in hopes of seeing the blond hair Ive come to enjoy more than I ever thought I would.

I haven't even looked through half of the train when I see Crab and Goyle. I feel obliged to set my stuff down and sit with them, giving up on finding Ana.

It feels like forever of me sitting here but its been probably only like ten minutes of me sitting here while my "friends" talk. The train is moving already. Why am I even sitting with them? I hate them. Where is Ana? Why did she run away from me? Is she going to be mad if I sit with her?

I dont care, I cant bare another second sitting here with them. I need to find Ana.

I stand up and my brain freezes.

"what are you doing Draco?" I dont know, what am I doing?

What am I doing?


"Im just going to go to the bathroom really quick" I open the sliding door and walk past the compartments, looking left and right for Ana.

Im nearing the end and still no sight of Ana, I dont understand, where could she be?

Not this one

Not that one



no, no, no and no.

A whole lot of not Ana.

Where the hell is Ana


I take a few steps back and look to my right.

Is that her?

There is a huddled figure in the very corner, and three other people just ignoring them.

I stare at the blob of a person just long enough for the other three people in the compartment to notice me staring. and for me to spot some blond hair.

Desire. Draco Malfoy.Where stories live. Discover now