//Train to hometown//

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I just finished rewatching bsd wan and I realized that Dazai doesn't cook HAHAAHAHAHA but I just had a headcanon that Dazai can actually cook because of Y/n but just doesn't show it to others and only Y/n knows (and maybe Chuuya too( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

3rd person’s POV

“Nagisa, did you figure out who’s in your group yet?”

“My group?”

“When you’re all set, tell one of your class presidents, me or isogai-kun”

Nagisa was confused by Kataoka’s question

“Did you forget? Our class trip’s next week!” Kayano reminded him

“Yeh! And do you know where it is going to be!?” Y/n excitedly asked


“My hometown~!”

“Yokohama?” Nagisa asked as Y/n nods excitedly

“She’s too excited for this” Sugino sweatdropped

“Honestly! Who arranges a class trip this early in third year!?” Korosensei entered the room as the class looks at him

“I can’t say I approve!” what he said wasn’t very convincing as he was wearing a kimono with an umbrella in his mouth wearing a wig and makeup

“You’re totally into it!” Maehara complained

“Geisha clothes!?”

“And they look good on him!?”

“Trust me its not” Y/n dumbfounded as Korosensei quickly changed

“You saw right through me!” Korosensei said

“It was barely impossible to not een notice” Y/n said

“Yes, infact, i can hardly wait to go to a business trip with you guys” Korosensei said as the class smiled as they sweatdropped

It was almost the end of P.E. class as Karasuma was discussing something to the class “as you know, next week is our two night trip to Yokohama” he said while the class were sitting on the ground carefully listening

“And while I hate to ruin the excitement, let me remind you that you’re still on duty” he added “you mean we will still be assassinating Korosensei?” Fuwa asked


“Yokohama is far more larger and complex than this school, and you’ll be moving in groups that he’ll be following” Karasuma said

“Its an ideal location for snipers” he added as a certain dazai raised her hand


“There’s a hired assassin there?” Y/n asked

“Yes, the government has already arranged for a sharp shooter to join you” Karasuma replied

“Upon success, each person will share in the ten billion yen based on the degree of their contribution. Be sure to pick your assassination friendly tour routes” he added

“Hai” the class replied bluntly as the bell rang sign that the next class has started

“Groups for the school trip huh?”

“Hey karma-kun, do you want to be in my group?” Nagaisa asked looking at the said redhead that was chilling on his chair boredly

“Hm? Okay.” he replied bluntly with a smile “are you sure about that, Karma?” Sugino asked since the redhead that was walking towards them was basically a psychopath

Unequal life || bsd x assassination classroom crossover || K. AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now