Chapter 14

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Bye Yoongi." Namjoon and Jin said as they waved at Yoongi.

He waved back and watched the car until it disappeared. Then he turned to the mansion regretting why he hadn't jumped into the trunk of the car. Now he was all alone.

Don't think about it too much. It's just a week with a vampire that wants to kill you. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing. That's what.

Yoongi found himself repeating these words over and over again in his head. "Nothing's gonna happen. It'll be fine." Yoongi muttered.

He suddenly didn't belive himself anymore when he saw said vampire sitting in the living room. Looking as scary as possible.

"Nope." Yoongi said and did a hundred metre dash to his room making sure to lock the door. Imagine his shock when the door opened all on it's own.

"Min Yoongi." Taehyungs voice boomed through the room.
"I'm sure a I locked that door, I'm sure of it." Yoongi said not understanding what had just happened.

"This is my house. I have the keys to all rooms here, including this one." Taehyung replied like it was so obvious.
"Now why have you been avoiding me?"

For the most obvious reason. I don't wanna turn into your dinner.

"I haven't been avoiding you. I just forgot something in my room. Hehe." Yoongi replied with a nervous laugh hoping Taehyung would believe him.

But his breath caught in his throat and he swallowed hard when Taehying leaned closer to him. So close it was as if he was trying to pry the truth straight out of Yoongi's head. Yoongi let out a hard breath when he finally moved back, feeling a sorts of emotions washed away by relief.

"Whatever. Be ready. Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with the kings of other kingdoms and you're coming with me.
"Me? Why?" Yoongi asked wondering if he wanted to kill him in front of everyone.

"I can't just leave you here." Taehyung said and left.

He's gonna kill me. I'm so dead. I won't be meat for just one vampire. I'll be meat for as many kingdoms this place has!

*The next day*
Yoongi walked down the stairs in a white sweater and black jeans, biting his nails as he walked.

Dear lord. This is the only thing I've ever asked you for. Spare my life!!

"Stop muttering to yourself." Taehyung said and walked past Yoongi. He swallowed hard and replied with a small nod.

They walked to Taehyung's car where a driver was waiting for them. The driver hurriedly opened the door, hoping not to trigger any of Taehyung's moods.

Taehyung and Yoongi arrived in front of what looked like a Palace. As soon as they walked in everyone stood up, and Taehyung made his way to the seat at the end of the table. Yoongi following close behind. Being the king of the largest and strongest kingdom this seat was just reserved for him.

Sitting directly across from him was Jeon Jungkook. The king of the second largest kingdom.

Everyone thought they hated each other to the bone. But they really didn't. But due to the rivalry between their two families, it was only normal for them not to be friends. The best word for their relationship was acquaintances. They only ever met each other at meetings like this.

Yoongi didn't know what to do so he just sat on the sofa behind Taehyung, hoping and praying that his death wasn't near.

"So why was this meeting called again?" Jungkook asked already feeling bored.

One of the people sitting stood up and spoke.

"Well this is about the forty years anniversary since vampires and humans began to coexist."
"What about it? It's been done every year for the last ten years. What makes it different now?" Taehyung asked.

"The people think we're trying to take over their world."
Taehyung groaned. People were always thinking the opposite of what was really  happening, and he couldn't blame them.
Vampires were always doing questionable things.

"This is because of the vampires who are going rogue. They think that we are trying to intimidate them with fear. And that's why they are currently not cooperating. Mainly because they fear us, and don't want to be wiped off the face of earth." The speaker continued.

"Why haven't we tried to find out why vampires are going rogue?" Another person asked.
"What if it's the humans that are trying to blackmail us?" The only woman asked.

"How can you call this blackmail? There's obviously a logically reason for this. One that doesn't involve conspiracy theories."

"Why don't you just take a blood sample from the rogue vampires? It's that simple." The woman suggested.
"Because lady, we don't have normal blood. So it's not that simple." Jungkook replied with an eye roll.

Yoongi was getting tired of the conversion. He understood that it was an important issue but he honestly wasn't one for politics. So he stood up and decided to explore for a while.

He reached an area that looked like it was meant for kings and queens. But he didn't expect to meet someone. Someone he'd missed for a while.


"Yoongi? Yoongi!"


I haven't updated in a while. Plus my exams are coming up in a month. But it's been a while and I'm sure most of y'all think I'm dead 💀. But I tried to make it long so enjoy.

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