Chapter 8

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I shouldn't be updating rn. I'm supposed to wait 2 or 3 more days but ........I'm bored af. So why not?

I haven't seen Taehyung all day. Not that I care, but I'm bored and Jin decided it was a nice day to meet his boyfriend. He said his name was Nam something. So here I am currently laying down on my bed (different room now by the way, courtesy of Jin) looking up at the ceiling and wishing I had something, anything to do.

Its times like this that make me miss Jimin even more than I already do. Speaking of Jimin, I hope he's not too worried, I wonder how he's coping with the witch. Weird how that chip hasn't made any noise. Then again she couldn't care less. She probably thinks I'm dead.

I wonder if Taehyung would mind if I explored this place. He couldn't get that mad right? Right.

Okay how many corridors and stair cases can one house have. Jin really has only been taking me to one particular part of this....castle. No wonder I never see Taehyung. He must be in some other part of the castle.

I followed a corridor, opening all the doors there hoping I could find something to keep myself busy with. And then I found it. A library!

Now here's the problem, I can't read. You didn't really expect me to be able to read under queen witchy's command now, did you?

I'm sure you didn't. I hope they at least have some picture books. I walked farther into the library, looking at all the huge shelves. And then my luck ran out on me.

I just had to run into Taehyung. I just had to.

"What are you doing here?"

Ok calm down. There's no way he'll kill me for wandering around, right? I hope so.

"Um, soI'mreallyboredandJin'snotaroindandIdon'tknowwhattodosoIdecidedtolookaroundandIfoundhereandI'msorry."

I really should become a rapper.

Taehyung chuckled before saying
"Brave of you to think I understood a word you just said."

That was meant as a joke, but his voice sounded so cold.

"What do you want Yoongi?" He asked.

"A b-book?" Why did that come out as a question? Jeez!

"Fine then. But do not disturb me." He said and turned back to whatever he was doing before I came in.

Well he's being extremely nice today. But there's still the problem.

"Uhm....T-Tae-Taehyung, I c-cant read."

He turned around with a shocked look on his face. Hmm apart from the occasional chuckles, I honestly thought he didn't feel emotions.

"You...can't read? How?"

I let out a huff and crossed my arms. What does he mean how. I can't read. It's as simple as that.

"If you can't read then you'll just have to wait till Soekjin gets back. He'll read for you." He said and turned back once again.

Are you serious?! Alright I expected that, but the least he could do if he's just gonna keep me here, is at least provide some entertainment. Not that I'm complaining about the keeping part but come on.

I walked up to him and stood in front of his desk staring at him. Am I extremely scared? Yes. Am I still standing here? Yes.

Why? Because Mr Vampire over here is reading for me whether he likes it or not.

Then he sighed, stood up and walked to a shelf. He picked a book and came back. Pulled out a chair and made a hand gesture that meant sit down.

Oh. I wasn't really expecting him to do anything. I expected him to throw me out of this room.

"You keep standing there and I will throw you out." He said looking at me.

Woah. Can he read minds? Does he know what I'm thinking? How does he.....

"Just sit down Yoongi." He practically growled out.

So I sat down and he actually read to me. And actually taught me a little. He was actually being nice. Maybe he's not as bad as he seems.

So Tae is being nice. How sweet. Too bad it won't last.
Now let's be clear on something Queen witchy(my words, don't judge me) could actually just put a tracker on the hybrids if she wanted to. I mean she put a sound chip. But she couldn't give two shits if they got lost. But she likes Jimin(cringe) so yeah that's why she's searching for him....well getting ppl to do it for her but yeah you get it.
It's 1am so goodbye.

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