Chapter 13

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Why did I have to have that dream?
Of all the scenarios that could have played out in a dream, that's the one that decided to happen?

"Yoongi." Namjoon called out and Yoongi jumped slightly.
"Uhm yeah?"
"Are you even listening?"
"Uh yes?"

"Really? What did I just say then?" Namjoon asked crossing his arms.
"Are you even listening?" Yoongi said with a cheeky smile.

Namjoon groaned and pointed to the door, signalling that Yoongi should leave.

Yoongi quickly stood up and left. But as luck would have it he just had to bump into Taehyung.

Yoongi looked up and felt a blush creeping across his face. He immediately ran off, not really wanting to recall a certain dream.

"Yoongi. Where are you running off too?" Jin asked
"Uhm, anywhere that's not here." And with that Yoongi went into his room and shut the door.

He was not attracted to the vampire in anyway. Not a chance

Taehyung was pretty confused at why Yoongi had run off like that but could care less. He had more important things to do.

He walked into Jins room to find him packing.

"Um and where are you going?" Taehyung said scaring Jin.
"Do you not know how to knock, and if you must know Joonie is taking me on a trip." Jin said with a dreamy look in his eyes making Taehyung fake gag.

"Make sure you can walk when you get back." Taehyung said with a sly smirk.

Jin simply brushed it aside. This trip was purely for relaxation. Relaxation.

"Don't feel so cocky now. You have to take care of Yoongi while we're out."
"Excuse me?" Taehyung asked with disbelief written all over his face.
"Make sure to feed him. Do not scare him. Make sure he has fun. And teach him how to read while you're at it." Jin finished at the same time clamping his suitcase shut.

"Just take him with you. I don't have time for all that." Taehyung said and folded his arms.

Yes I know that. That's exactly why we're leaving. Taking care of someone might get you to slow down a bit. (Ps this is in Jin's head)

"Like I care. Okay bye." Jin said while waving and walking out to meet Namjoon.

"Are we seriously gonna leave Yoongi with him?" Namjoon asked with worry on his face.
"Yes. It'll be good for him. He'll have something else to do other than working and sitting in his room or the library all day..........I hope." Jin said with a sigh.

They walked up to Yoongi's room and walked in.

"Hey Yoongi." Jin called out.

Yoongi sat up with a smile that quickly changed to a confused expression when he saw the bags and suitcases.

"Uhm, what are those for?" Yoongi asked pointing at Namjoon's bag.
"Yoongi we're going on a vacation, we'll be back in a week or two. You'll stay with Taehyung until then." Namjoon said with a soft smile.

Yoongi could not believe his ears. Did they want him dead?

"Who, me? With Taehyung? Alone? For two weeks?! Do you not like me anymore?" Yoongi rushed out.
"It's going to be fine. What's the worst that could happen?" Jin asked while hugging Yoongi, trying to calm him down a bit.

"I become vampire food." Yoongi said with a hint of fear in his voice.
"It'll be fine." Namjoon said and ruffled Yoongi's hair. Trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Yoongi.

"We'll be back soon. Bye Yoongi."

And with that they were gone. Staying alone with the guy who'd threatened to kill him.

Not dangerous at all.

Okay hi. I honestly didn't like the last chapter 13. No I hated it. It was horrible. Jungkook shouldn't enter the storyline like that at this point. They can't be best friends. So I wrote another one. Equally short chapter but I'll soon start updating again.  Bye!!

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